Musik / rock

Gill Landry

Anmeldelser (2)

American songwriter

d. 3. mar. 2015



Hal Horowitz

d. 3. mar. 2015

"Self-produced, engineered and recorded primarily in his south side of Nashville apartment, the downbeat approach feels as personal as if you are sitting on a sofa across from Landry as he opens up his innermost thoughts. It's quietly hypnotizing music, unconcerned with commercial trends and miles away from the more hoedown revival of Old Crow. But these songs, and especially Landry's honest performance, resonate long after the last note fades. They beckon you back to further absorb his heartfelt, occasionally comforting, musings on the trials and tribulations of romance-gone-sour".

Gaffa [online]

d. 13. juni 2015



Finn P. Madsen

d. 13. juni 2015

"Denne gang er turen sadlet med en lang række vitale og omfavnende sange, hentet fra livets skyggesider som Just Like You. "Broken down/Hung up and wasted in an artless town/Thinkin' of old lovers and wedding gowns" lyder det sentimentalt og bittert tilbageskuende ... Gil Landry kan sin americana og træder for alvor ud i lyset på et album, der er spundet sirligt over de amerikanske musiktraditioner".

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