Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (24)

MusicWeb international

2010 May



David Harbin

2010 May

"Reactions to Elder's recording will depend on your view of Götterdämmerung. Is this a monumental opera or does it tend more towards the cut and thrust predominant in the Italian operas Wagner ostensibly scorned, but mirrored within Götterdämmerungs (sub)plot complexities? ... Elder's new recording is certainly the best "expansive" DDD Götterdämmerung but for raw drama and all-round singing Barenboim's set is closer to the edge".

MusicWeb international

2018 March



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2018 March

"Den Jyske Opera's ... production of Wagner's Ring cycle 1984 - 1987 was a great success and it has become legendary. Therefore it is pleasant to have this recording as a memorial of a great event ... Laila Andersson-Palme ... in her mid-forties has the perfect instrument for this repertoire: strength, brilliance and stamina ... Besides the vocal resources she is also deep inside the role. So is Elliot Palay ... The scheming Alberich becomes so much more alive, well characterised by Jörgen Klint ... Eva Johansson, quite early in her career, is well cast as Gutrune. The most towering character in this performance is however Aage Haugland's sinister Hagen ... A valuable documentation of legendary project thirty years ago as well as a musically substantial recording which can be enjoyed without any references to this specific occasion. I enjoyed this more than several more prestigious recordings I have heard".

Gapplegate Classical-Modern music review

d. 11. jan. 2019



Grego Applegate Edwards

d. 11. jan. 2019

"I must tell you that what I have heard of the full Ring just now complete - by soloists, choral forces and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra under Jaap van Zweden - is quite good ... For one thing as a digital recording of the present-day it is sonically glowing ... Secondly the Hong Kong Philharmonic under van Zweden has all the fullness and balance of the large orchestral Wagner sound as we demand today and he set out for us then. The strings, winds, brass etc. bring out the nuances as Wagner intended them. It is a delight to hear it all! Then the choral ensembles and soloists are big-sounding and dramatic as very much needed ... The van Zweden Segfried and Gotterdammerung come though remarkably well for budget recordings! ... Recommended!".


d. 4. jan. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 4. jan. 2007

"Den bedste udgave af Wagners Nibelungens ring på cder er nu komplet ... Balancen mellem sangere og orkester er fortrinlig, og man hører sangerne perfekt med deres (i forhold til i dag) fantastiske teksttydelighed, uden at det går ud over orkestret i den overdækkede grav. Moderne ører kan lytte med ... Hans [Keilberths] evne til at forme Wagners udsagn både i stemmerne på scenen og i orkestret er totalt medrivende. Han får de store scener til at vokse overvældende frem. Han mestrer det flertydige udtryk ... For mig er denne Ring det samme som at opdage Wagner på ny".


d. 20. aug. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 20. aug. 2007

"Harmut Haenchen dirigerer en ret let og gennemhørbar opførelse, som klæder musikken og er behagelig også for nybegyndere i Wagner. Haenchen er en god fortæller med lune. Sangerholdet er godt. Stig Fogh Andersens Siegfried i begge de sidste værker er dejligt afslappet og flot sunget og trækker helheden op ... Det er ikke sensationelt, men godt, og der er - at dømme efter udvalgte scener - en fin helhed over denne Ring".

Fono Forum

2014 April



Gerhard Persché

2014 April

"Was der Sängerbesetzung betrifft, ist der Eindruck freilich eher unentschieden ... Lance Ryans Siegfried ... kommt beim reinen hörer gelegentlich an die Grenze zur Parodie ... Petra Lang wiederum geht den Martha-Mödl-Weg vom Mezzo zur hochdramatischen und erinnert denn auch an die grosse Wagner-Heroine".

BBC music magazine

2014 April



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2014 April

"The greatest cause for satisfaction in it is the playing of the magnificent Berlin Radio Symphony ... and to Janowski's eliciting crucial details in even the most thickly scored passages ... Unfortunately this version can't possibly be recommended, due to the casting of the two chief roles ... The other singers are all good".

Fono Forum

2007 März



Bjørn Woll

2007 März

"Einen wahren Schatz hat Testament mit dem Keilberth-Ring gehoben. Darin ist nicht nur die grandiose Astrid Varnay als Brünnhilde zu erleben. Ganz nebenbei läuft er der von Decca produzierten Studioversion auch das Prädikat des ersten Stereo-Ring ab".

BBC music magazine

2018 December



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2018 December

"Two years later the clear and decisive approach he brought to Rheingold is once more apparent in a Götterdämmerung that brings Wagner's cycle to its conclusion in a blaze of glory, the orchestral standards and Van Zweden's light but effective touch both elements of the highest quality. Wagner's vocal challenges are also met full-on ... The three combined choirs form a fearsome gang of Vassals, and the smaller roles are all finely done".


2007, nr. 6



Steen Chr. Steensen

2007, nr. 6

Fono Forum

2007 April



Holger Arnold

2007 April

"Hartmut Haenchen ist ein unerbittlicher Sprachfetischist, dem es gelingt, Sprache und Musik mit bewundernswerter Präzision in Einklang zu bringen. Das Sängerensemble wirkt in jeder Beziehung ungemein ausgeglichen, geschlossen und stimmlich überzeugend".

The gramophone

2010 July



Mike Ashman

2010 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "In any event it's the most compelling and best-cast Götterdämmerung on disc since Barenboim's from Bayreuth".

International record review

2014 April



Hugh Canning

2014 April

"Once again, it is Janowski's work with his Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin that takes pride of place here ... It seems a shame, perhaps, that for the role of Siegfried, Janowski has chosen singers already represented on disc in that role ... The supporting parts are all strongly casts ... In sum, I have hugely enjoyed listening to Janowski's Ring".


d. 1. feb. 2000


d. 1. feb. 2000

Operabladet Ascolta

(1999) 18. årgang nr. 4


(1999) 18. årgang nr. 4


d. 11. feb. 2000


d. 11. feb. 2000


d. 16. nov. 1999


d. 16. nov. 1999

Operabladet Ascolta

(2000) 18. årgang nr. 7


(2000) 18. årgang nr. 7

International record review

2007 January



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2007 January

"All the principals are on top form and Joseph Keilberth, for so long regarded as an amiable second-rater, conducts like a man possessed ... When it was over I sat for a long time shaken as only Götterdämmerung in a truly great performance can shake one ... This triumphant enterprise deserves all the awards it will certainly win".

The gramophone

2007 February



Alan Blyth

2007 February

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "So the great project reaches its glorious close, as magnificently conducted, played and sung as the rest of the revelatory Ring. One wonders anew at the fidelity of the sound, the dedicated intensity of the orchestra and the uniform strengths of every member of a memorable cast, the like of which is hardly likely to be heard again in a Ring at Bayreuth or anywhere else ... I am quite certain that his cycle will be hailed everywhere as the one to have".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. maj 2000


d. 8. maj 2000

The gramophone

2018 November



Mike Ashman

2018 November

"Barkmin brings imagination and flair. It's quite a 'white' voice and not a huge one but she's a committed projector of the drama. Brenna's voice, again not heavy but well focused, certainly records comfortably and he is always fully in touch with the dramatic requirements. Eric Halfvarson's Hagen, more experienced than this pair, is both vicious and frightening ... There's little dull here, it always sounds good and it could make for an ideal economic first-time listen to the work".


d. 11. feb. 2000


d. 11. feb. 2000


d. 11. feb. 2000


d. 11. feb. 2000

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