Musik / operaarier

Greatest moments at the Met

Anmeldelser (4)

RBB Kultur

d. 1. feb. 2023



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 1. feb. 2023

"Auf ihrem neuen Doppelalbum präsentiert die amerikanische Sopranistin Renée Fleming - als Ergänzung ihres Gesamtwerkes - gesammelte Live-Aufnahmen von ihrem Stammhaus, der Metropolitan Opera. Von 1991 bis 2015 brachte sie her fast 20 grosse Rollen unter, womit sie anderswo Erfolge oder Misserfolge eingeheimst hatte: von Traviata bis Armida, von Rusalka über Imogene, Tatjana und Desdemona bis zu Arabella und Marschallin. Erstmals kann (und muss) man sich dabei auch fragen, ob die Verwandlungsfähigkeit dieser unverwechselbar luxurierenden Stimme für ein solches Rollenspektrum eigentlich ausreichte?".

MusicWeb international

2023 January



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2023 January

"Although she recently sang a new role in the world premiere of Kevin Puts' opera The Hours , at 63 years old, "America's favourite soprano" Renée Fleming has now retired from the operas featured here ... These nineteen roles thus chronologically chart her appearances at the Metropolitan Opera over a quarter of a century, forming both a tribute to that extraordinarily successful collaboration and providing a comprehensive retrospective of a carefully managed career ... No singer is perfect; it is possible to find fault with some very slightly laboured top notes and a tendency towards excessively swoopy portamenti and a breathy expressivity, but for the most part the accomplishment demonstrated here is captivating; the listener may sit back and luxuriate in the creamy, unforced sound of a singer whose repertoire has encompassed an impressively wide range of styles ... With one or two reservations inevitably arising from personal taste, I find virtually everything here to be a delight ... No admirer of Renée Fleming need hesitate to acquire it".


2023 mars



Sylvain Fort

2023 mars

The gramophone

2023 March



David Patrick Stearns

2023 March

"Renée Fleming's artistic stature hasn't kept pace with her superstardom - isn't that so often the case? - and this new compilation of her best live Metropolitan Opera moments will bolster the opinions of both admirers and detractors. The vocal quality isn't in question ... When she stepped away from the Met in 2017 she was singing well but seemed les engaged by her longtime roles (Rusalka, for one) ... The set's high point is 'Das war sehr gut, Mandryka' from Arabella, in which the gradual expansion of her tone quality becomes a visceral dramatisation of how her character fearlessly opens her heart to the man she will marry".