Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonies : nos. 8 Unfinished & 9 Great

Anmeldelser (25)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"This is not to say that the Swedish Chamber Orchestra does not give Dausgaard everything he asks for: these musicians are extremely responsive, and their stamina is unflagging. The problem is that the music is simply much greater, and demands more interpretive imagination, than Dausgaard's rigid approach permits. It's a shame. Dausgaard is a fine conductor when he isn't trying to be different for its own sake".

MusicWeb international

2022 September



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2022 September

Recommended: His [Herbert Blomstedt] vitality and engagement with the music are things of wonder. Here, he takes two familiar - dare one say, over-familiar - symphonies and gives both of them fresh, wise readings. He's aided in this endeavour by fantastic playing on the part of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. The sheer beauty of sound of the orchestra, both collective and in solo passages, is a pleasure in itself, but in addition they are marvellously responsive to all the nuances of the scores ... These are masterly and highly distinguished Schubert performances".

MusicWeb international

2022 September



Gregor Tassie

2022 September

"This is one of the finest readings and performances of the 'Great' C major that I have heard - and as in the 'Unfinished' symphony, Blomstedt conjures up a beautifully sensitive interpretation, allowing the music to develop without haste or any tension; he finds that delicate balance between reading the score after many years of performances and study. One certainly feels that these symphonies the new edition are being heard anew".


d. 1. feb. 2016



Thomas Michelsen

d. 1. feb. 2016

" Det er ... de to sidste af Schuberts symfonier, Wienersymfonikerne her har indspillet på orkestrets eget plademærke, og der er silke i strygerklangen. En lethed, som slukker tørsten uden at beruse. Med deres schweiziske chefdirigent Philippe Jordan spiller orkestret på én gang køligt og med nerve i Wiener Musikvereins berømte akustik".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 29. aug. 2022



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 29. aug. 2022

"Et dobbeltalbum med Schuberts to vægtigste symfonier - nr. 8 ('Den ufuldendte') og nr. 9 ('Den store') - i en yderst attraktiv indspilning ... Herbert Blomstedt ... dirigerer i en optagelse fra november 2021 det berømte Gewandhausorchester fra Leipzig - og så vil de fleste med interesse for klassisk musik vide, at kvaliteten er tårnhøj".


d. 7. apr. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 7. apr. 2009


d. 4. maj 2010



Thomas Michelsen

d. 4. maj 2010

"Hvor Klemperer tilbage i 1960'erne brugte 25 minutter på symfoniens [Nr. 8] to satser, bruger Dausgaard 20. Men ... der er en udpræget fornemmelse af plasticitet over musikken hos Dausgaard, og for hver gang man hører cd'en, stiger begejstringen ... Alle detaljer virker stringent velplaceret, og orkestret klinger smukt. Følsomt og superpræcist".

BBC music magazine

2022 October



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2022 October

"Orchestral choice: These two discs hardly need reviewing: they contain perfect performances of two of the greatest symphonies ever written, recorded with extra directness and detail ... I'd put these performances in a category of their own, with a health warning".


2022 novembre



Rémy Louis

2022 novembre

Fono Forum

2022 Oktober



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

2022 Oktober

"Nun ist also auch Herbert Blomstedts 'heim' zur Deutschen Grammophon gekehrt - mit 95 Jahren ... Das sagend, kann man leichte enttäuschung nicht ganz verhehlen. Allzu gedämpft, aufgeweicht, ja beinahe lasch und wie bestäubt erscheinen die Konturen in Schuberts 'Unvollendeter' ... Der dunkle Klang des Gewandhausorchester passt zum Ansatz. Allerdings vermisst man die Delikatesse jener punktgenau luziden Artikulation, wie sie für Blomstedts Bruckner-Aufnahme in Leipzig typisch war".

BBC music magazine

2021 September



Malcolm Hayes

2021 September

"Holliger's approach to this haunting masterwork itself is thoughtfully and beautifully paced, with the period-style reduced vibrato on the strings not overdone, and featuring solo woodwind playing of much loveliness".

Fono Forum

2021 September



Clemens Haustein

2021 September

"Das vielgelobte Schubert-Projekt des Basler Kammerorchesters mit Heinz Holliger kommt zum Abschluss ... Holliger dirigiert mit starkem Bewusstsein für die zeitliche Entfaltung dieser endzeitlichen Musiken. Keine Hast, keine Hektik, wo nötig ... lauscht Holliger lange in die Pausen hinein wie im Wissen, dass die Stille zu dieser Musik ebenso gehört wie der Klang".


2017 septembre



Christophe Huss

2017 septembre

Fono Forum

2010 Juli



Attila Csampai

2010 Juli

"Ihr erstes Schubert-Album untermauert jetzt mit Spielfreude, Frische und elektrisierendem Drive ihren Anspruch, alles tonnenschewere Pathos der jüngeren Vergangenheit von diesen Meisterwerken abzutragen und nach neuen Wegen der emotionalen und intellektuellen Annäherung zu suchen".


2010, nr. 17



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

2010, nr. 17

"Den lille orkesterstørrelse har den forudsigelige og alligevel lydligt overraskende effekt på Schuberts elegante poesi, at klangen bliver distinkt og transparent som en si ... De to symfonier er som udgangspunkt temmelig forskellige. Den ottende, ... her virker den allestedsnærværende klarhed som en skarp pen, der tegner den skitserede symfoni som en slank, græsk torso ... Den niende symfoni ... fremstår anderledes mager - det er, som om Schuberts mange omveje og timelange omkamp med sig selv godt kunne bruge noget mere saftig bredde rundt omkring ... Men resultatet er alternativt, og har bestemt sin berettigelse ".

BBC music magazine

2015 Christmas



David Nice

2015 Christmas

"The spacious Musikverein live recording highlights well-balanced textures, and is as alive as the playing".

The gramophone

2022 September



David Threasher

2022 September

"Editor's choice: Herbert Blomstedt makes his DG debut at the magnificent age of 94, conducting one of Europe's grandest and oldest orchestras ... Blomstedt's Eighth and Ninth ... infuse a lifetime's collected wisdom, experience and affection into a rather special recording".


2022, nr. 113



Axel Lindhe

2022, nr. 113

"Många av de kvaliteter som gjorde Herbert Blomstedts och Gewandhausorkesterns nyligen fullbordade Brahms-cykel så hörvärd är framträdande också här: omsorgsfullheten, den mörka och fullädiga klangen, det makalöst klingande träblåset. Tillsammans lyfter de fram det lyriska elementet och ömsintheten hos Schubert på ett sätt som förtjänar beundran ... Blomstedt släpper inter greppet om musiken för en sekund och lyckas på ett föredömligt sätt hålla intensiteten uppe ända in i mål".

International record review

2012 June



Nigel Simeone

2012 June

"There's plenty to like about his approach including light, airy textures and an obvious relish of some of the work's drama".

The gramophone

2012 June



Richard Wigmore

2012 June

"The Zuricher's string sonority is slender without being desiccated, phrasing is crisp and clear-cut, with Schubert's accents sharply pointed ... To this delightful, unassuming music the Tonhalle's leader, Andreas Janke, brings a pure, sweet tone".

The gramophone

2021 October



David Threasher

2021 October

"Holliger allows the music to unfold naturally, with plenty of mellifluous woodwind and a vibrato-lite approach that does nothing to compromise the richness of tone of the string body ... forming a memorable conclusion to a rewarding series".

The gramophone

2017 October



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2017 October

"The once-healthy flood of Sergiu Celibidache CDs appears to have abated, at least for the time being, but one of note has recently surfaced, a Munich Philharmonic coupling of two major symphonies, Schubert's Unfinished ... and Dvořák's New World ... In the Schubert, Celibidache tellingly marks a contrast between the first movement's Allegro moderato, and the second's Andante con moto ... The New World is something else again, the Largo far broader than the norm ... Whether you stay with it up until that point will be down to personal taste. I did - and was glad I'd done so".


d. 30. apr. 2000


d. 30. apr. 2000


d. 25. apr. 2000


d. 25. apr. 2000

The gramophone

2010 August



Edward Greenfield

2010 August

"The idea of playing these great symphonies with a chamber orchestra is not new ... It is not surprising either that speeds in both these works are very much on the fast side ... A disc that may disconcert some Schubertians but which, very well recorded, offers a consistently refrishing view of both masterpieces".

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