Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)

Americana UK

d. 20. maj 2020



Rick Bayles

d. 20. maj 2020

"This is a good album for our times. It's upbeat and positive, mellow and fun and we could all do with a bit of that at the moment. Sexsmith's voice can be a bit of an acquired taste but you really can't fault his songwriting. He might need to tone down the positivity for the next album, you can have a bit too much of a good thing, though by then perhaps rural life won't seem quite so bright and shiny but, for now, this is the musical tonic that many could do with. A little light in the darkness".





Mark Deming


"While at this point it's a given that a Ron Sexsmith record will be filled with great songs, it's still reassuring to report that his well hasn't started going dry, and he remains as consistently strong a tunesmith as the great nation of Canada can claim in the 21st century. Hearing a fresh set of songs from Sexsmith is always an experience to savor, but hearing him do so and have as much fun as he does on Hermitage makes it even more of a pleasure".


d. 15. apr. 2020



Angela Morrison

d. 15. apr. 2020

"Crisply produced throughout, Sexsmith and regular collaborator Don Kerr achieve some truly beautiful melodies on songs such as "Glow in the Dark Stars" and "Think of You Fondly," the latter of which includes a section of layered vocalization that almost sounds like Brian Wilson. Perhaps this is not Sexsmith's most lyrically accomplished work, but it is difficult to dislike any of these lovely, breezy, genuinely heartfelt songs".