Musik / kammermusik

History of the Russian piano trio, 3

Anmeldelser (6)

d. 6. feb. 2012


d. 6. feb. 2012

"The standards of the two ensembles are equally high. Just as importantly, they both have a similar sound, so switching back and forth between them, as this programme does several times, never disrupts the flow of the music ... An interesting recording then, from two ensembles and a label that we could do with hearing much more from".


d. 3. nov. 2021



Thomas Michelsen

d. 3. nov. 2021

"Storladent og nostalgisk. Fyldt med patos og proppet med skønhed. Det lyder som fordomme på række, når vi taler om russisk kultur fra forrige århundredeskifte ... Men efter at have lyttet til en ny serie af fem album, hvor en russisk trio bestående af en violinist, en cellist og en pianist præsenterer kammermusik fra deres store, vemodige hjemland, må jeg bare sige, at nogle gange holder fordomme stik ... Deres [The Brahms Trio] glødende passion er tydeligvis russisk musik, og serien præsenterer så imponerende en vifte af russiske trioer, at man glemmer, man ikke altid bare har lyttet til denne musik og elsket den ... Vil man have en introduktion til russisk musik fra den romantiske og senromantiske epoke, hvor Rusland stadig havde en zar og en højadel med tid til at drikke te, læse Pusjkin og se på deres Fabergé-æg, er 'History of the Russian Piano Trio' tæt på genial".

BBC music magazine

2021 June



David Nice

2021 June

"There's abundant charm, craftsmanship and - in the case of Korsakov's C minor epic completed in 1939 by his son-in-law Maximilian Steinberg - ambition ... If the three players don't always pull out the brilliant stops possible in the Rimsky-Korsakov, we get them throughout the Borodin".


2012 fevrier



Jérôme Bastianelli

2012 fevrier

The gramophone

2021 June



Marina Frolova-Walker

2021 June

"What is Russian in this music? The answer is: not a lot. The chamber writing is expertly done but it belongs to a kind of international European style ... Even though this music did not advance the cause of Russian nationalistic music, there are som real gems here that really ought to belong to the standard repertoire. This all-star trio of Russian virtuosos present the music stylishly but in a self-effacing way. They are sensitive to all the subtleties but they can also deliver the grander passages with aplomb ... If anything, the Rimsky-Korsakov is the highlight of the whole set, and a true testimony to The Brahms Trio's intelligent and passionate music-making ... A journey that is both an education and a pleasure. It is impossible not to admire their commitments".

International record review

2012 September



Raymond S. Tuttle

2012 September

"Kinsky Trio Prague, while unfailingly elegant in both works, is insufficiently red-blooded, particularly in the Arensky. These are terrific musicians who work well as a team, so I have no reservations about their ability to play the notes. The problem is that they are too reserved, as if they were playing for the tsar".