Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (9)

MusicWeb international

2019 December



Michael Cookson

2019 December

"On the Aparté label, Les Talens Lyriques directed by Christophe Rousset continues its impressive cycle of Lully operas with Isis, a tragédie en musique in a prologue and five acts ... Isis may not be considered to be Lully's greatest achievement, but there is plenty to relish and the performance could hardly be bettered".


2006 janvier



Ivan A. Alexandre

2006 janvier

"Ce premier enregistrement d'une œuvre essentielle est donc plus qu'opportune, nécessaire".

Fono Forum

2006 Juni



Matthias Hengelbrock

2006 Juni

"Isis gehört schon wegen der vielfältigen Schauplätze zu Lullys farbigsten "tragédies en musique" ... Ihm wird Hugo Reyne mit seinen Musikern ... in hohem Masse gerecht, wenn er sehr klar deklamieren und mit bestechender Eleganz phrasieren lässt. Die Emphase seiner Interpretation spannt weite Bögen und weckt Leidenschaft, ohne überzogen zu wirken".

BBC music magazine

2020 February



Berta Joncus

2020 February

"Opera choice: Isis is classic Lully ... Asked to focus on words, the soloists sound deliberately ugly at times, which highlights their flawless execution elsewhere. Standout cast members are Eve-Maud Hubeaux, whose grace sincerity and vocal radiance make Io wholly credible, and Bénédicte Tauran, whose persistent re-setting of pulse broadcast's Juno's impetuous nature ... Truly an Olympian event".


2020 janvier



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2020 janvier

Fono Forum

2020 März



Susanne Benda

2020 März

"Mit viel Liebe zum Detail nähern sich Christophe Rousset und sein Ensemble Les Talen Lyriques den wechselnden Farbvaleurs wie den Genreszenen, die Ränkespielen der Mächtigen augenzwinkernd den Spiegel vorhalten ... Jeder Szene verpasst Rousset mit raffinierten Klangfarben, differenzierten Tempi und pointiert geschärften rhythmischen Akzenten eine individuelle Anmutung. Der Chor aus Namur wie auch die Sänger, unter denen bewusst keine Stars sind, tragen dazu bei, dass 'Isis' keine Reihung schöner, sprechender Klangmomente ist, sondern auf CD gepresstes, lebendiges Theater".

International record review

2006 April



Andrew O'Connor

2006 April

"Isis, then, is a series of loosely connected tableux of music, dance and spectacle. On these terms, it is rather enjoyable ... I wish I could be more enthusiastic about the performances. On the plus side, his orchestra has both panache and refinement ... On the minus side generally is Reyne's choice of singers ... Die-hard Lullistes, if such people exist, will want to collect this one. Others may safely give it a miss".

The gramophone

2006 April



Lindsay Kemp

2006 April

"Has not been recorded complete before ... One has to admit that as a spectacle it takes a while to get going ... after this the dramatic innovations really begins to hit home ... If in the end Isis may not be Lully's most inviting opera, this sympathetic performance is nevertheless a must for French Baroque fans".

The gramophone

2020 January



Richard Lawrence

2020 January

"Editor's choice: The Namur Chamber Choir is full-bodied but the singers are marvellously light on their feet. The orchestra respond with brilliance and precision to Christophe Rousset's direction. A word, too, in praise of an ear-tickling continuo group ... This is a highly enjoyable addition to an excellent series of operas by a composer who, thanks to French groups such as Les Arts Florissants and Les Talens Lyriques, is at last coming into his own".