Musik / kor


Anmeldelser (11)

Classics today




David Vernier


"There is no choir, nor will you find a recording, that does such full justice to these great a cappella works, each chanson, motet, or Mass movement a miniature yet significant and unique masterpiece. It's difficult to choose specific performance highlights-there are so many moments perfectly demonstrative of some or other virtuosic technical feat or lovely, breathtaking, or otherwise moving expressive musical effect, that the list would amount to citations of nearly every part of every piece".

MusicWeb international

2017 November



Gwyn Parry-Jones

2017 November

"A mouth-watering programme of 20th century choral masterpieces, sung by a choir I have often admired on disc and in concert ... How disappointing then to listen to performances that, while full of enthusiasm and musical feeling, just fail to hit the spot ... The most enjoyable item is the final one, Janáček's Otčenáš of 1901 ... Some good things, then; but overall a disappointing disc".

MusicWeb international

2015 April



Gary Higginson

2015 April

"If you are new to Poulenc and his choral music or if you do not have a disc of these now, well-known a cappella works then this would be an ideal place to start. It contains the core items of his output in serviceable and sometimes quite inspired interpretations by what is a fine choir".


2017, nr. 45



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2017, nr. 45

"Det er religiøs musik af den mest dybtfølte slags ... Harry Christophers og hans elitekor The Sixteen ... har valgt en ydmyg tilgang til musikken, hvor de enkelte musikalske gestalter fremstilles renfærdigt og ligefremt og vel at mærke med stor autoritet. Der synges oftest vibratoløst, og der moduleres smidigt ... Resultatet er klingende mysticisme ... Alt i alt en fornem udgivelse, hvor Christophers og The Sixteen forløser Poulencs sensuelle franske musik med britisk akkuratesse".

BBC music magazine

2017 October



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2017 October

"The Sixteen provide us with beauty in generous quantities, together with elegant phrasing, clear words and immaculate tuning".

Classical music

2017 May



Guy Weatherall

2017 May

"We are not short of fine recordings of Poulenc's sacred music, but this well recorded programme features some of the finest in performances that are idiomatic, and technically accomplished. Rarely have the challenges the composer sets his singers been surmounted with such panace, while the painful beauty of his motets has rarely been captured as purely as here ... This is a fine collection".

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Jan Smaczny

2017 Christmas

"The prevalent mood [in the Poulenc] is one of celebration which St John's Choir captures admirably; there is also a lively engagement with the contrasts which make the Gloria so appealing ... The choir captures the other-worldly atmosphere of the opening [of the Janacek] and mostly navigates the Czech with conviction ... If at times the choir sound is not ideally integrated, as a whole these well-recorded performances are certainly recommendable".


2018, nr. 49



Andrew Mellor

2018, nr. 49

"Denne samling af korværker fra Frankrig, Ungarn og Böhmen er ikke det repertoire, vi normalt forbinder med koret. Men det siger noget om ensemblets drevne musikalitet, at opførelserne her er så idiomatiske, omhyggelige og engagerende ... De hurtige stilistiske og farvemæssige skift i Poulencs messe ... leverer koret stramt og præcist. Især ... drengestemmernes miks og fintfølende nuancering er fantastisk ... [Hos] Janácek ... håndterer koret det tjekkiske sprog imponerende og med utrolig flair ... Det er svært at forstå, at vi lytter til studerende, når vokalsoloerne formes så selvsikkert".

The gramophone

2017 April



Marc Rochester

2017 April

"This is a sumptuous recording of flawless singing and intense music-making. However, while this is a truly exquisite piece of choral singing, it almost seems too perfect".


2017 octobre



François Laurent

2017 octobre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2015 June



Geoffrey Norris

2015 June

"Poulenc's religious music forms the greater part of the programme given by the superb Canadian-based Elora Festival Singers ... [In booklet-note:] "Our composers write profound music; but when they do, it is leavened with that lightness of spirit without which life would be undurable." That quality is something that comes across vividly in the Elora Festival Singers' performances, finely tailored and buoyantly expressive".