Musik / rock

Last place

Anmeldelser (5)

The observer

d. 5. mar. 2017



Phil Mongredien

d. 5. mar. 2017

"Jason Lytle's two solo records rarely strayed too far from the template he'd perfected as Grandaddy frontman -synth-infused symphonic indie shot through with a nagging sense of unease - so the band's first album in 11 years seems like a seamless continuation ... Ultimately, though, for all its emotional tug, Last Place is solid rather than spectacular, with nothing quite matching the peaks of their first two albums".


d. 8. mar. 2017



Ian Cohen

d. 8. mar. 2017

"Taking the long view, Last Place might actually be a concept record about Grandaddy itself, as it recreates the trajectory of their previous four albums in miniature: quirks slowly congeal into banality, back roads are avoided in favor of familiar scenery. And then it ends like Grandaddy once did, with what essentially amounts to a Lytle solo project ("Songbird Son"). They sound exhausted, right where we left them.Back to home".


d. 8. mar. 2017



Ian Cohen

d. 8. mar. 2017

"Taking the long view, Last Place might actually be a concept record about Grandaddy itself, as it recreates the trajectory of their previous four albums in miniature: quirks slowly congeal into banality, back roads are avoided in favor of familiar scenery. And then it ends like Grandaddy once did, with what essentially amounts to a Lytle solo project ("Songbird Son"). They sound exhausted, right where we left them.Back to home".

Berlingske tidende

d. 10. mar. 2017



Mads Hendrich

d. 10. mar. 2017

"På comebacket holder indierockerne fortidens dyder flot i hævd. På »Last Place« smelter et væld af udtryk sammen på fantasifuld vis. Symfonisk pop som på »The Boat Is In The Barn« står side om side med dreven americana på »I Don't Wanna Live Here Anymore« og punket anarki på »Chek Injin«".

Berlingske tidende

d. 10. mar. 2017



Mads Hendrich

d. 10. mar. 2017

"På comebacket holder indierockerne fortidens dyder flot i hævd. På »Last Place« smelter et væld af udtryk sammen på fantasifuld vis. Symfonisk pop som på »The Boat Is In The Barn« står side om side med dreven americana på »I Don't Wanna Live Here Anymore« og punket anarki på »Chek Injin«".