Musik / opera

Les troyens

Anmeldelser (13)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 1. dec. 2017



Matthias Käther

d. 1. dec. 2017

"Hector Berlioz' gigantisches Hauptwerk "Die Trojaner" wurde bisher nur selten eingespielt ... Diese Oper ist ungekürzt etwa 4 Stunden lang ... das Orchester ist etwa so gross wie das von Straussens Elektra, der Chor umfasst ca. 300 Personen, man braucht mehr als 10 gute Solisten - es ist ein Ausstattungsstück ... Trotz kleinerer Abstriche ... durchaus eine extrem beeindruckende Aufnahme, die sich vor ihren berühmten Vorgängerinnen, etwa der Referenzeinspielung unter der Leitung von Colin Davis nicht verstecken muss".

The guardian

d. 22. nov. 2017



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 22. nov. 2017

"Nelson never allows the dramatic pace to slacken ... Some might find [DiDonato's] singing mannered and over-stylised at times, but its dramatic commitment is undeniable and Dido's final aria is a tremendous emotional tour de force ... [Spyres] offers a much more human and humane figure [than Vickers], with singing that never loses its elegance and stylish flexibility ... This is now unquestionably the version of Berlioz's masterpiece to have at home".

Presto classical

d. 24. nov. 2017



Katherine Cooper

d. 24. nov. 2017

"Presto disc of the week: The Strasbourg orchestra play out of their boots for Nelson throughout: the entire score glitters, and the woodwind in particular cover themselves in glory ... Spyres's Énee is a revelation - the tremendously taxing role could have been written for him ... The process of working on this role seems to have unleashed darker colours and a formidable 'blade' in [DiDonato's] silvery mezzo, and she captures every nuance of Carthage's queen of hearts ... This is one of the triumphs of the year - if not the decade".

MusicWeb international

2017 December



Michael Cookson

2017 December

"A performance of Berlioz's magnificent Les Troyens (The Trojans) is always a special event especially when the results are as outstanding as this concert performance ... A credit to all concerned John Nelsons and his team of choral and orchestra forces at Strasbourg give a rewarding performance of Les Troyens on Erato ... This penetrating recording should be the first port of call for those wanting a recording of Les Troyens".


2018, nr. 49



Henrik Engelbrecht

2018, nr. 49

"Det er en kæmpeopgave for ethvert operahus at sætte den fire timer lange opera op ... netop derfor er det også relativt sjældent, at man ser Trojanerne på en operascene. I Strassbourg valgte man ... løsningen med en koncertopførelse ... heldigvis optaget af pladeselskabet Erato ... Her styrer han [John Nelson] det enorme apparat med eminent overblik, og han får god hjælp af både kor og orkester ... Solistholdet er umuligt at sætte en finger på, og den højspænding, ikke mindst Joyce DiDonato som Dido og Michael Spyres som Æneas leverer undervejs, er simpelthen forrygende musikteater - selv helt uden den visuelle side ... Varmt anbefalet".

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Michael Scott Rohan

2017 Christmas

"Nelson drives the drama with unforced tempos but ample theatrical vitality and grandeur ... Spyres isn't as heroic an Aeneas as Jon Vickers ... but sings with lyrical grace and spirit and decent if not perfect French. Joyce DiDonato sings Dido with characteristic security and expressiveness ... Cyrille Dubois and Hanna Hipp are attractive as Iopas and Anna ... A strong recommendation".

Classical music

2018 January



Francis Muzzu

2018 January

"One of the best opera releases of last year ... American conductor John Nelson is a Berlioz specialist and here he shows why and how: his grasp of the style and control of his forces in this live recording are miraculous ... Nelson's Strasbourg forces are exemplary, orchestra and choruses drilled to perfection, and his mainly Fracophone cast luxurious. Marie-Nicole Lemieux's Cassandra emotes thrillingly ... Perhaps best of all is Joyce DiDonato's Didon, warm and sensual".

High fidelity

2001 7


2001 7

The gramophone

2017 December



Mark Pullinger

2017 December

"Recording of the month: Nelson is in no great rush, allowing Berlioz's music time to breathe where necessary ... Nelson's cast is simply to die for. Marie-Nicole Lemieux captures all the wildness and unhinged desperation of Cassandre, her burnt caramel contralto utterly compelling ... Énée is thrillingly sung by Michael Spyres ... DiDonato's vehement response to Énée's desertion reveals her as a great tragedienne ... In short this is a peach of recording ... setting a thrilling new benchmark for this epic opera".