Musik / kor


Anmeldelser (7)

Presto classical

d. 10. feb. 2014



Chris O'Reilly

d. 10. feb. 2014

"There are some really sumptuous sonorities in this music and the temptation in performance must sometimes be to overplay them. That is never the case here though, as the careful balance between expression and restraint seems very well judged throughout".

BBC music magazine

2014 April



Anna Picard

2014 April

"A fine reconstruction of the second half of a concert [CPE Bach] conducted in Hamburg on Palm Sunday, 1786. So vivacious is the choral singing and orchestral playing under Hans-Chrisoph Rademann that it's a shame they did not include every work from that occasion".

Fono Forum

2014 Juli



Arnd Richter

2014 Juli

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Vorliegende CD ist ein Höhepunkt des Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Gedenkjahres ... Ein ausgezeichnetes Solistenquartett und die bewährte Kombination aus dem RIAS-Kammerchor und der Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin - das sind die Kräfte, aud die Rademann seine mustergültige Interpretationen gründen kann".

The gramophone

2024 February



David Threasher

2024 February

"Willens and his Cologne forces do it [the Magnificat] proud, more closely recorded than a highly regarded rival (an Editor's Choice nearly a decade ago) and with a prominent harpsichord continuo that clatters enthusiastically in the livelier music. The soloists acquit themselves admirably, Hanna Herfurtner especially a creamy-sounding soprano in 'Quia respexit' ... The couplings are both occasional works ... performed with suitable verve and closes this enticing programme in rousing fashion".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 23. sep. 2002


d. 23. sep. 2002

International record review

2014 April



SImon Heighes

2014 April

"Vitality is the essential ingredient of the performances recorded here ... Elizabeth Watts shapes her phrases beautifully with a sure sense of direction ... The four choruses are of exceptional quality ... The orchestral writing ... is so rich and expressive ... The strings curl and release like coiled whips ... very fast, very nervy ... Thrilling stuff".

The gramophone

2014 April



Richard Wigmore

2014 April

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Rademann and his Berlin forces make the strongest possible case for it [Magnificat], with frest, athletic choral singing, playing of crackling, fizzing energy and excellent solo work ... This is the finest recording of CPE's choral masterpiece I have heard ... Looks set to be one of the discs of the CPE anniversary year".