Musik / kor

Markus passion : BWV 247 (1744)

Anmeldelser (7)

Presto classical

d. 5. apr. 2019



David Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 5. apr. 2019

"Recording of the week: After the scholars have put their pens down, the crucial question is of course whether the result is a musically satisfying response to the text. Could there ever be any doubt? Savall is no dusty academic disconnected from musical reality; he knows exactly what he's doing, building thoughtfully on others' work to create something coherent and convincing, and his team of musicians communicate his intention magnificently".

BBC music magazine

2019 July



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2019 July

"Here is a live account ... of a reconstruction by Alexander Grychtolik and conductor Jordi Savall ... The result is broadly convincing. David Szigetvári's Evangelist articulates text intelligently. Marta Mathéu's pure soprano and Raffaele Pé's suave countertenor are both assets ... The orchestra offers an apt selection of colours, the choir is impressive and there's a strong showing from the children's choir. Savall himself maintains a keen sense of forward motion".

Fono Forum

2019 Juli



Thomas Otto

2019 Juli

"Unter der Leitung von Jordi Savall spielt Le Concert des Nations beherzt auf. Der Chor ... Sein Klang ist frisch und keineswegs ein akademischer, sondern eher natürlicher, beinahe volkstümlicher, was den sehr emotionalen Chorälen der Passion durchaus entspricht".


2019 juin



Gaëtan Naulleau

2019 juin

Berlingske tidende

d. 26. apr. 2000


d. 26. apr. 2000


d. 7. maj 2000


d. 7. maj 2000

The gramophone

2019 June



David Vickers

2019 June

"The choir of 25 (including children on the upper parts) and Le Concert des Nations produce a vivid performance in which emotional directness is paramount. David Szigetvári is a capable Evangelist ... although Konstantin Wolff's gritty Christus is closer to a roaring Wotan than the compassionate redeemer of the world".