Musik / rock

Meshes of voice

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 15. aug. 2014



Grayson Currin

d. 15. aug. 2014

"While there are some mostly pretty songs and completely chaotic numbers, Meshes of Voice compels by ignoring such binaries. The soft beauty "A Sudden Swing" ends under sinister threat, droning strings and circling percussion bubbling from beneath the pristine piano like a toxic leak. Hval delivers a childlike chant during "Milk Pleasures," her voice suggesting a pixie. But she sings of mongrel body parts and milk running down pale legs, as Wallumrød answers with distant, ghastly echoes. Meshes of Voice depends on the reputations of its makers, but it delights most when they let those legacies fall away or, at the very least, bend in new ways".

The guardian

d. 14. aug. 2014



John Fordham

d. 14. aug. 2014

"It's a wild,disorientating but exultant experience, using voices, keys, guitar, percussion and electronics to embrace minimalist, quietlyclanging churchbell sounds; typical Susanna incantations that get swept away by crashing waves of noise; call-and-response exchanges between Susanna's entreaties and Hval's defiance, occasion-ally mellow, country-music vocal harmonies and pop-song tunes; and rumbles of prayerlike chanting".


d. 27. mar. 2015



Ralf Christensen

d. 27. mar. 2015

"Meshes of Voice er et smukt æterisk, kunstnerisk vægtigt eksperimentarium, hvor stemmerne ofte fungerer mere som bærere af klang end af ord. Noget åbenbares, noget får lov at blive i skyggerne. Der er både anelser og blotlæggelser i sangene, tågede besværgelser og isnende erkendelser.Et reb strammes, et orgel ånder, deres stemmer drukner i et titanisk forlis i rum sø. Og de synes at påpege, at kroppen er vores egentlige natur. »I am a house of bones« og »Dawn came cool/ The inside of my eyelid is glazed with honey dew«".