Musik / opera

Pelléas et Mélisande

Anmeldelser (24)

The guardian

d. 20. jan. 2022



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 20. jan. 2022

"Debussy's masterpiece is already very well represented on disc, but Roth's performance ... differs from all its predecessors by having the period instruments of Les Siècles in the pit ... Roth makes Debussy's handling of orchestral colour seem more magical than ever, and even though his orchestra lacks the sheer tonal heft of a modern band, the great climaxes ... seem more intense than ever, while the moments of quiet lyricism are wrapped in textures of extraordinary delicacy ... In an opera in which words matter so much, it's a huge advantage having an entirely Francophone cast ... Here every single syllable is distinct ... But what matters most is the sense of a true ensemble performance, which makes Debussy's endlessly beguiling score seem more miraculous than ever".

The guardian

d. 5. okt. 2017



Erica Jeal

d. 5. okt. 2017

"The LSO's January 2016 performances of Debussy's opera at the Barbican in London, conducted by Simon Rattle and semi-staged by Peter Sellars, have been beautifully transferred to CD, and the result is a credit to the LSO's own record label. It's not a definitive performance (...) but it is an exceptionally vivid one, not least thanks to the expressiveness of those two singers and, one assumes, the experience of working on the characters with the meticulous Sellars".

MusicWeb international

2021 November



Mike Parr (musikanmelder)

2021 November

"Recommended: Claude Debussy's operatic masterpiece is one of the most eloquently orchestrated works of the Twentieth Century ... Now along comes a version with something more to reveal about this piece, as does this fine newcomer on review here ... Pierre Dumoussaud is a conductor who is fairly new to the international scene ... Dumoussaud presents a very lucid and eloquent account of Debussy's score. His collaboration with the Bordeaux orchestra and the team of recording engineers has produced one of the most transparent recordings of this work that I have yet come across ... essentially unveiling all the fine nuances in this magical score. The orchestra sounds as if the listener were actually standing in the orchestra pit alongside the conductor ... The cast of principals is in general quite good ... While this may not be the Pelléas recording of one's dreams, I found so much in it to enjoy that despite some minor vocal flaws, I would now choose this recording over the Simon Rattle recording with the LSO".

MusicWeb international

2022 January



David McDade

2022 January

"Roth and his band, Les Siècles, have made a specialism of this tumultuous era in the musical life of the French capital with superb sets ... One of the greatest pleasures has been hearing the distinctive timbres of the instruments used at the time before homogenisation made most orchestras sound very similar. The same is undoubtedly true of this new recording ... The pick of the bunch for me is Julien Behr's beautiful traversal of the part of Pelléas ... It is exquisitely played, beautifully paced and generally extremely well sung in the modern style. I won't be budging but I will keep coming back to the Roth to listen in wonder yet again to the miracles Debussy achieves in the orchestral parts of this luminous, mysterious score".

MusicWeb international

2022 April



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2022 April

"Recommended: François-Xavier Roth and Les Siècles have already given us some Debussy orchestral music on disc ... Now Roth and his HIP ensemble take on a much more substantial challenge in the form of Debussy's only opera, Pelléas et Mélisande ... It seems to me that there isn't a weak link in the cast ... Obviously, the vocal contributions are crucial to the success of any performance of Pelléas et Mélisande and Roth has assembled an excellent, persuasive cast ... The sounds that François-Xavier Roth is able to conjure up from Les Siècles are wonderfully subtle ... [and] strikes me as well-nigh ideal ... I've long felt that François-Xavier Roth is one of the most interesting conductors currently before the public; this Pelléas is, I think, one of his finest achievements to date ... an utterly absorbing account of Pelléas et Mélisande".

Presto classical

d. 11. mar. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 11. mar. 2022

"Recording of the week: The metaphorical curtain has barely risen on Debussy's uncanny forest before the special magic created by the use of early twentieth-century wind and brass instruments kicks in. The other striking aspect of this recording is the slightly unorthodox characterisation of the three main roles: this is a very human Pélleas rather than an interpretation which cloaks the central relationships in mysticism, and though some listeners may baulk at that as tantamount to heresy I found it ultimately all the more moving".


d. 5. jan. 2018



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 5. jan. 2018

"Partiet som Pelléas kan synges både af en lys baryton og en tenor. Simon Rattle har valgt den elegante liedsanger Christian Gerhaher ... [Mélisande:] Til dette dæmpede, hen svævende alfeportræt har Rattle med velberåd hu valgt sin hustru, den tjekkiske mezzosopran Magdalena Kozená. Af alle verdens vedetter råder hun over det mest regnbuefarvede stemme spektrum ... Kozenás pastelfarver er af en anden verden ... Overalt er musikken dækkende, i sin ømme skønhed, og med London Symphony Orchestra præsterer Simon Rattle en ubønhørlig markanthed".

BBC music magazine

2021 Christmas



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2021 Christmas

"An all-French cast and French musicians with a French conductor bode well for this new Pelléas ... Pierre Dumoussaud and the Orchestre National Bordeaux Aquitaine respond by making their Pelléas a kind of extended dream, with the score flowing like water around the characters ... It's very beautiful and there is some fine and idiomatic playing, notably from the brass and woodwinds".

Fono Forum

2022 Januar



Gerhard Persché

2022 Januar

"Der Interpretation dieses Werks ... atmet für mein Gefühl apollinische Klarheit und eine Art gemeisselter Sachlichkeit - in den Farben freilich diskreter als jene Boulez ... Dumoussaud nimmt den Zwischenspielen alles Schwammige ... und lässt sie wirken, als wären sie an einem frischen, klaren Morgen entstanden. Diese ... Aufnahme lebt zuletzt von der idiomatischen und rollengemässen Stimmigkeit der ... Besetzung: vom jugendlichen Pelléas des Stanislas de Barbeyrac, der herb-melankolischen Melisánde der Chiara Skerath, dem knorrigen Golaud des Alexandre Duhamel sowie den weiteren Adäquaten Solisten".

BBC music magazine

2022 April



Malcolm Hayes

2022 April

"Using early 20th-century wind instruments, and with gut strings for the strings section, this Pélleas takes us closer than usual to how Debussy himself would have expected his opera to sound. It's like listening in black and white rather than colour. The music's generally soft-toned orchestral landscape is both vivid and beautifully shaded ... sensitively played and paced under Roth's direction, and conveying like few other recordings the work's unique and poignant emotional charge".


2017 octobre



Jérôme Bastianelli

2017 octobre

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Christopher Dingle

2017 Christmas

"Kožená's Melisande has a firm streak of red-blooded coquettish defiance that is effective, even if it belies the character's customary blanched fragility. Christian Gerhaher's Pélleas is similarly finely sung, if a little too knowing ... There is a palpable sense of unfolding drama that is realised, not just imagined ... All of this is only possible thanks to the inspired playing of the London Symphony Orchestra under Rattle, with superb characterisation from the woodwind".


d. 12. maj 2003


d. 12. maj 2003

Operabladet Ascolta

(2003) 22. årgang nr. 1


(2003) 22. årgang nr. 1

The gramophone

2021 December



Mark Pullinger

2021 December

"For a quintessentially French opera, there are surprisingly few recordings of Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande with a French orchestra ... That makes this new accoung ... doubly welcome ... There is a real sense of tension and mystery but without the veil if mysticism that some conductors drape over Debussy's shadowy score ... . Dumoussaud's is alson one of the swiftest accounts ... with vivid orchestral playing ... This is a really distinguished orchestral rendition. The central singers ... are all securely inside the drama ... Chiara Skerath is an affecting Mélisande ... Stanislas de Barbeyrac [Pelléas] outstanding".


d. 17. okt. 1999


d. 17. okt. 1999


d. 28. sep. 1999


d. 28. sep. 1999

Berlingske tidende

d. 27. okt. 1999


d. 27. okt. 1999


d. 12. maj 2003


d. 12. maj 2003

The gramophone

2022 March



Mark Pullinger

2022 March

"I enjoyed the orchestral contributions of Les Siècles and the lucidity that period instruments bring to Debussy's score. Roth doesn't cut string vibrato entirely, but there's an almost clinical clarity to their playing ... There's very little to choose between these two excellent recordings [by Roth and Dumoussaud (Alpha)], Pelléas fans will want to hear both".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2002) 21. årgang nr. 1


(2002) 21. årgang nr. 1


d. 9. mar. 1999


d. 9. mar. 1999

Operabladet Ascolta

(2005) 24. årgang nr. 1


(2005) 24. årgang nr. 1

The gramophone

2017 December



Mike Ashman

2017 December

Editor's choice: Rattle maintaints both a clear pulse in individual scenes and a through line which positively celebrates Debussy's and Maeterlinck's radical intercutting of scenes of varied physical and emotional locations in the central acts ... The LSO's playing throughout is at a high level of virtuosity ... Both Gerhaher and Kozena are good at not over-egging the pudding of their confusions and naiveties ... This new version ... scores high up the list and is highly recommended".