Musik / kammermusik

Piano quartets

Anmeldelser (22)

The guardian

d. 25. aug. 2011



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 25. aug. 2011

"And however well played it is, the full-orchestra version of the Chamber Symphony can never generate the same sinewy intensity as the original, with its single strings and wind, that Rattle opted for previously. The late Accompaniment to a Film Scene, effectively a miniature tone poem, is new to his Schoenberg discography, though, and superbly played by the Berlin Phil, with Rattle encapsulating perfectly its concentrated drama".





Mike D. Brownell


"As a young ensemble, the Milander Quartet shows promise in many areas. It clearly involves talented performers, and on the whole their interpretations nicely balance vigor with solemnity. There are some less favorable characteristics to their playing, however. For one, the Milanders seem not to have yet found a unified, well-blended tone".

The guardian

d. 7. maj 2015



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 7. maj 2015

"There's certainly no lack of beautiful tone in this collection of performances ... The Mahler that begins their disc ... provides the perfect introduction to the warmly expressive world of the Schumann and Brahms works that follow. Unfortunately, its relaxed, expansive mood seems to pervade those works, too; there's a lack of urgency and assertiveness that robs the Schumann of its muscularity and purpose, and the Brahms of its rigour and gutsiness".

The telegraph

d. 31. maj 2015



Geoffrey Norris

d. 31. maj 2015

"The four participants move instinctively with the music and with one another, the piano (Schumann's own instrument) blending in rather than dominating. The fugal flurries of the finale are articulated with terrific panache and togetherness ... The affinity with style that shines through the Schumann is equally evident in Brahms's G minor Piano Quintet".


d. 21. okt. 2011



Jens Povlsen

d. 21. okt. 2011

"Selvom der er puttet lidt rigeligt pomade i Schönbergs orkestrering af Brahms' første klaverkvartet, er stiløvelsen udsøgt - især når Rattle og det fine følge giver den dramatisk kant som her ... Udgaverne er spændstige nok i lyden, men også en anelse anonyme".


d. 1. feb. 2016



Jeppe Rönnow

d. 1. feb. 2016

"Det er smukt, inderligt og uhyre sammenspillet. Man ånder med de fire musikere. Men man får ikke åndenød, for der mangler lidt vildskab og råhed. Det er ydmygt og til tider dragende følsomt. Men Brahms er ikke ydmyg ... Cd'en indleder med den eneste sats, som Mahler skrev for de fire instrumenter. Den løfter det hele, og Mahlers længsel og tristesse er her flot ramt".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 6. aug. 2015



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 6. aug. 2015

"Der er gennem tiderne ikke komponeret forfærdelig mange klaverkvartetter ... så man skal være taknemlig for en nyudgivet cd med tre spændende værker fra den romantiske æra ... [Her] er tale om en liveoptagelse fra marts i år, hvor de fire musikere henrykkede et publikum i Lincoln Center på Manhattan i New York ... Spillet med flugt og glød. Romantisk kammermusik, når den er mest fængende".


d. 24. apr. 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 24. apr. 2015

"Der er ikke mange violinister, der forstår at blande kortene så godt som britiske Daniel Hope ... sammen med sin lille gruppe af topmusikere. Udfordringen er tre klaverkvartetter, og den bliver løst med en udsøgt fornemmelse for den intime kunsts guldrandede melodilinjer og bølgende lydlandskaber. Ladet med intense vibrationer gør Schumanns kvartet i Es-dur stort indtryk".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 27. feb. 2008



Mikael Garnæs

d. 27. feb. 2008

"Det er Brahms på højden af hans mesterskab, fascinerende musik, som man kan blive ved med at opdage nye lag i ... Fauré-kvartetten leverer en teknisk særdeles fint gennemarbejdet opførelse med mange fine detaljer ... Fauré-folkene tydeligt hører hjemme i en nyere og mere nøgtern tradition. Klangen er slankere og mere ensartet blandt strygerne (man kunne også sige mindre solistisk), og de dynamiske kontraster større og mere bratte. Til gengæld kan Fauré-kvartettens pianist ikke hamle op med Martha Argerich ... Det bliver et spørgsmål om smag og behag, om man foretrækker sin Brahms på den ene eller anden måde, som begge er lødige og spændende at lytte til".

BBC music magazine

2009 February



Calum MacDonald

2009 February

"Collectors wanting this coupling can buy with confidence. The competition, though, is numerous and strong, and there are several versions that make a more powerful impact ... But som may well prefer the Nash player's less sensational approach".

BBC music magazine

2015 December



Bayan Northcott

2015 December

"Daniel Hope and his colleagues turn in well-paced readings of all three scores - their expressive intensity heightened by the almost gypsy-style vibrato favoured by Hope himself: highly appropriate to the riotous Hungarian finale of the Brahms and imparting an almost Klezmer-like feeling to the violin flourish at the end of the Mahler".

Berlingske tidende

d. 13. jan. 2004


d. 13. jan. 2004

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 37, nr. 4 (2004)


Årg. 37, nr. 4 (2004)

The gramophone

2011 October



Philip Clark

2011 October

"The Berliners shine in Brahms and Schoenberg ... The omnivorous virtuoso shout of the final moments spills beyond the usual orchestral threshold, the BPO demonstrating why they're the BPO".

International record review

2011 February



Nigel Simoene

2011 February

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "I can't praise this disc highly enough - and nor can I wait to hear more from the Milander Quartet. Enhanced by Richard Whitehouse's interesting notes, this is outstanding in every way".

The gramophone

2009 February



Harriet Smith

2009 February

"They are particularly effective in the richly coloured slow movements and bring out the earthiness of Brahms's textures to good effect".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 5 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 5 (2008)

The gramophone

2015 July



Harriet Smith

2015 July

"The slow movement [of the Schumann] is one of the best things here, full-toned where needs to be - as in the glorious theme itself ... There is much to admire in the Brahms, above all perhaps in the Intermezzo, with its fined-down string shadings, and the voluptuous warmth of the outer sections of the Andante".