Musik / operafilm


Anmeldelser (7)

Presto classical

d. 22. juli 2016



Katherine Cooper

d. 22. juli 2016

"Presto disc of the week: Rose is engrossing, too, in Poliuto, as the sinister Priest of Jupiter Callistene ... And the singing from Fabiano, the Puerto Rican soprano Ana María Martínez (taking on Maria Callas's mantle with aplomb here) and the Bolshoi baritone Igor Golovatenko as the Roman general Severo, is uniformly excellent".


2017 janvier



Didier van Moere

2017 janvier


2016, nr. 43



Henrik Engelbrecht

2016, nr. 43

"Michael Fabiano er perfekt castet til titelrollen ... Ana Maria Martinez er ligeledes helt ideel i rollen som Paolina ... Og hele vejen igennem lever Glyndebourne helt op til traditionen med at være blandt verdens bedste til at finde det helt rigtige sangerhold til operaer, man ikke høre så tit ... London Philharmonic Orchestra spiller stilsikkert og inspireret ... Musikalsk set en forestilling i absolut, international topklasse. Mariame Cléments iscenesættelse matcher til gengæld ikke den musikalske side af sagen. Ret ubehjælpsomt henlægger hun handlingen til Mussolinis Italien".

BBC music magazine

2016 October



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2016 October

"One of his [Donizetti] most impressive scores. Conductor Enrique Mazzola proves to be a fine advocate for it, drawing exceptional playing from the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Marianne Clément's staging gives us stark, monumental sets and a non-specific, late 20th-century setting. Michael Fabiano brings bright, airy tone and both feeling and fine acting to Poliuto, Ana-María Martínez is a grand-scale, often thrilling Paolina".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2012) 31. årgang nr. 2



Henrik Marcussen

(2012) 31. årgang nr. 2

The gramophone

2016 September



Mark Pullinger

2016 September

"[Fabiano] is an exciting talent ... Martínez is a tortured Paolina, plumbing the emotional depths, and Matthew Rose is menacing as Callistene ... The most notable performance comes from Igor Golovatenko as Severo, his bronzed baritone negotiating legato lines with bel canto ease ... Mazzola does sterling work in the pit".

Fono Forum

2016 Oktober



Manuel Brug

2016 Oktober

"Enrique Mazzola bleibt farbig wie rhythmisch straff, ist ein flexibler Sängerbegleiter. Was der statisch stilisierten Inszenierung von Mariame Clément zugutekommt ... Bei Michael Fabiano als Poliuto entlädt sich das in wirkungsvollen Spitzentönen - was sum unruhigen Sopran von Ana Maria Martínez passt. Bester Sänger ist allerdings der Baritonrivale Severo alis Igor Golovatenko".