Musik / rock

Post society

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 10. mar. 2016



Henrik Østergaard

d. 10. mar. 2016

"I mere end 30 år har Voivod været med til at skubbe metalgenren ind i ingenmandsland og gør det fortsat på deres seneste ep. At de ikke længere selv formår at rykke sig alverden gør derfor egentlig ikke så meget".


d. 23. feb. 2016



Jedd Beaudoin

d. 23. feb. 2016

"Perhaps it's ironic or perhaps it's not that a band so idiosyncratic, so singular has always excelled at cover tunes but the take on "Silver Machine" here is as good as anything of the originals, a kind of sonic remnant of the future from which these four aliens have come from to enhance our less evolved lives. Voivod is, mercifully, working on new material and rumor has it we will hear some of that later in 2016. We can only hope. The world has never needed Voivod as bad as it does now".