Musik / kor

Quattro pezzi sacri

Anmeldelser (12)





Keith Finke


"This is the second album with Leenaars conducting this combination, following 2019's choral music of Brahms ... Though the album cover only displays the Quattro pezzi sacri, the program is filled out with a second work by Verdi (the Pater noster), as well as works by Rossini, Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari, Marco Enrico Bossi, and the Requiem by Puccini ... It is a harmonically and dynamically challenging set of works, alternating between a cappella sections and full chorus and orchestra ... A notable addition here is the recorded premiere of Bossi's 1920 hymn A Raffaello Divino, an a cappella work composed for the 400th anniversary of the death of Renaissance artist Raphael with text by Fausto Salvatori. The Rundfunkchor Berlin is well-honed by Leenaars and tackles this challenging program well".


2013, nr. 31



Andrew Mellor

2013, nr. 31

"Meget af den musik [kirkelig kormusik] er indadvendt, sørgelig og polyfon, mens Skt. Cecilia-koret er stort, ufokuseret, klang- og vibratomæssigt tungt og meget ofte i underkanten af at synge rent ... Der er gribende øjeblikke ... Maria Agrest gør det godt i 'Libera me', koret er også smidigere her ... Men det er kun fem minutter, ikke nok til at anbefale cd'en".

BBC music magazine

2013 October



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2013 October

"Vurdering: BBC music choral song choice" - "Agresta is able to display the warmth and tenderness of her soprano in music that suits it extremely well ... Once again, Pappano's blend of deep understanding and infallible instinct helps him arrive at a performance of unusual conviction".

BBC music magazine

2011 June



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2011 June

"A mixed Verdi collection including a couple of unusual items ... visionary, destilled examples of Verdi's late style whose mystery Noseda presents with considerable sensitivity".

Fono Forum

2022 Juli



Susanne Benda

2022 Juli

"Vor allem aber erlebt man ein Musikdrama in zehn Strophen, in dem, ganz nah am Text, Pathos und intimer Rückzug dicht nebeneinander stehen - ein packendes Gefühlspanorama".

International record review

2013 November



Nigel Simeone

2013 November

"Setting aside my slight disappointments with the sound, this is an extremely worthwhile disc".

The gramophone

2013 Awards



Malcolm Riley

2013 Awards

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "Pappano's players provide a firmness of tone in a perfectly balanced sound stage ... At full pelt [the chorus] is equally matched to the tutti of the orchestra ... Pappano is such a compelling advocate for Verdi's music that there could be no finer 200th-birthday salute than this stunning disc. Do try to find room for it on your shelves".

The gramophone

2011 May



Malcolm Riley

2011 May

"The Turin chorus gives an idiomatic and highly satisfying performance of the taxing Four Sacred Pieces ... Their orchestral colleagues provide opulent and exhilarating support throughout this varied and well-balanced programme".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 3. dec. 2001


d. 3. dec. 2001

Berlingske tidende

d. 15. feb. 2001


d. 15. feb. 2001