Musik / rock

Revolutionary love

Anmeldelser (4)


d. 2. feb. 2021



John Murphy

d. 2. feb. 2021

"Admittedly there are times when it becomes rather too shapeless and meandering, with the penultimate instrumental track Confluence sounding a bit anonymous and bland for comfort. Thankfully, Crocus ends the record on an uplifting note, a song for survivors that takes a look around and proclaims "looks like we maybe made it through something wild" - a reminder that no matter how dark things become, this too shall pass. It's the sort of comforting salve we need from one of this generation's finest songwriters".





Thom Jurek


"Revolutionary Love reflects its title as both a call to compassion and a call to arms. It challenges notions of personal and collective responsibility and elucidates the hope for inner and outer change, in illustrating exactly what it means to live and love in a ravaged, suffering world".


d. 17. feb. 2021



Henrik Friis

d. 17. feb. 2021

"amerikanerens 22. album: Inspireret af og indspillet midt i de opsplittende hændelser, som 'Guds eget land' har budt sig selv gennem de seneste år leverer DiFranco her en meget varieret og helstøbt kommentar til hele kaosset ... Langt det meste fortælles på en stærkt smittende måde, hvor hun nu supplerer folk-inspiration med tæt-tyst bluesy soul med dejlig smag af træ, jazzy pop og skæve breaks, smækker latin m.m. ... Alt i alt et udspil, der med selvtillid tager os med på en positiv rejse".

Folk radio UK

d. 18. feb. 2021



Jay Alm

d. 18. feb. 2021

"The activism will always be there, but her personal revolution now appears to be somewhere in finding later-career serenity. However she arrived at this junction, this point in steering her body of work, she sure has a nice gangster lean on her newfound fuzzy wheel cover. The "littlest folk singer" upstart is more elder stateswoman than righteous babe on this record. She swims through these different musical guises more effortlessly than other contemporaries and does so with whomever she chooses. These are the fruits of a long and soulful career. Luckily for us, we get to reap the good listens".