Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->


Anmeldelser (3)

The telegraph

d. 18. jan. 2015



Geoffrey Norris

d. 18. jan. 2015

"It says much for the orchestra's imagination and that of its conductor, Nicholas Collon, that the disc has the true feel and immediacy of a live concert ... with an arresting variety of styles cohesively drawn into a glowingly organic whole ... With taut energy, sultry languor and athletic brilliance all called ... [and] with playing of the first order, this CD amounts to much more than the sum of its parts".

Fono Forum

2015 März



Clemens Haustein

2015 März

"Keine Frage, das Aurora Orchestra unter Nicholas Collon spielt die "klassischen" Stücke exzellent, genau, klangschön. Dadurch erhalten diese Werke allerdings solch eine Eigenkraft, dass die Einbindung in das "Roadtrip"-Programm nicht nur künstlerisch, sondern gewaltsam erschein".

BBC music magazine

2015 February



Anthony Burton

2015 February

"Vurdering: BBC music orchestral choice" - "The result is a "concept album" which on a straight-through hearing I found puzzlingly diffuse. So forget about the concept and listen to the music!".