Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (13)

Presto classical

d. 14. maj 2021



Katherine Cooper

d. 14. maj 2021

"Recording of the week: Though Bicket's booklet-note describes the challenges posed by having his players spread out over an unusually wide area, the ensemble is every bit as water-tight and responsive as we've come to expect from this A-team over the decades ... In the Act Two pastoral 'Con rauco memoria' Davies delivers some of the most ravishing Handel-singing I've heard on disc ... Crowe captures Rodelinda's vulnerability and political savviness to perfection".

The observer

d. 15. maj 2021



Fiona Maddocks

d. 15. maj 2021

"Bicket's cast is crammed with Handelian talent. Soprano Lucy Crowe sings the title role, always brilliant in precision and expressive power ... [Davies] invests every word, every note with intensity, and sends the dramatic temperature soaring at each entry ... The English Concert's playing is pliant, warm, elegant. If the rest of the project reaches this standard, we're in luck".

Berlingske tidende

d. 20. dec. 2005



Søren Kassebeer

d. 20. dec. 2005


d. 28. nov. 2008



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 28. nov. 2008

Fono Forum

2021 August



Richard Lorber

2021 August

"Charakterbilder sind die Stärke diese Aufnahme ... Aber nicht alles gelingt Harry Bicket und seinen Leuten in den knapp dreieinhalb Stunden der Oper. Merkwürdigerweise tendiert das Orchester immer wieder dazu, wenn auch kaum merklich, das Tempo zu verschleppen und die Solisten zu bremsen. Oder Lucy Crowe hat, wenn die Koloraturen wild nach oben fahren, Schwierigkeiten mit der Stimmkontrolle. Und echter Szenische Aktionen hört man eigentlich nur in den Rezitativen, wo die Solisten quasi unabhängig von der Musik aufeinander reagieren können".

BBC music magazine

2021 July



Berta Joncus

2021 July

"Recording of the month: Bicket's artistic integrity makes his the definitive Rodelinda. His subtlety pays off especially in slow movements, which are more suspenseful and ravishing than in any previous recording ... Crowe's laments alone make this a must-have recording, but her steely bravura is equally gobsmacking ... The palm, however, must go to The English Concert ... their nuance would seem quite extraordinary. This is exactly how Handel should be played".

The gramophone

2021 July



Richard Wigmore

2021 July

"Editor's choice: The singing is first-rate, while Harry Bicket has an unerring ear for pacing and instrumental colour. He and the everresponsive English Concert relish without indulgence the sensuous beauty of Handel's textures ... Throughout the opera the players are always dramatic partners and animators, never mere accompanists ... Lucy Crowe acts vividly with her voice without ever compromising tonal beauty. Her phrasing is both graceful and subtle ... This new recording, more subtly directed and more consistently sung, now becomes my top recommendation for an opera that should be on any Handel lover's shortlist".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2005) 24. årgang nr. 3



Henrik Marcussen

(2005) 24. årgang nr. 3

Klassisk musik

2005, nr. 7-8


2005, nr. 7-8

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 7 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 7 (2005)

Berlingske tidende

d. 17. maj 2003


d. 17. maj 2003