Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (23)

Presto classical

d. 30. nov. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. nov. 2018

"Editors choices - November 2018: Emelyanychev elicits fabulous energy and impetus from Il Pomo d'Oro throughout; Fagioli (the first countertenor to tackle the title-role complete on record) is little short of astonishing in the Persian king's bravura outbursts of jealousy, but also brings real pathos to his more introspective moments, and is well contrasted with Vivica Genaux's cool Arsamente and Delphine Galou's fiery Amastre".

The observer

d. 3. juni 2023



Fiona Maddocks

d. 3. juni 2023

"[It] bowls along energetically, the orchestral playing especially rewarding. In a top Handelian cast (no countertenors; the roles of Serse and his brother Arsamene are sung by mezzo-sopranos), Lucy Crowe (Romilda), Paula Murrihy (Arsamene) and Mary Bevan (Atalanta) are masterly and nuanced ... The versatile Canadian mezzo-soprano Emily D'Angelo sings the title role. Her ripe, vibrato-rich voice might not be to all tastes - sample Ann Murray or Anne Sofie von Otter for contrast - but she makes a powerful impact".

MusicWeb international

2023 July



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2023 July

"Recommended: Although I can understand why a prospective punter might opt for Bickett's more alert and urgent direction; personally, I still prefer Malgoire's more affectionate approach while acknowledging the superior energy of this latest recording, whose main attraction is the beauty of Emily D'Angelo's Serse. In many ways, she reminds me of mezzos of yesteryear and special character such as Tatiana Troyanos and Lorraine Hunt-Lieberson and I am sure there is much more to come from her. The sound is ideal and the playing from the English Concert entirely secure - no wheezing or whining but flawless intonation and precision. Nobody wishing to become acquainted with this lovely music will regret the purchase".

Berlingske tidende

d. 7. nov. 2009



Søren Schauser

d. 7. nov. 2009


d. 22. juni 2009



John Christiansen

d. 22. juni 2009


2020, nr. 59



Henrik Engelbrecht

2020, nr. 59

"Fagioli [i titelrollen] er et fænomen på sit felt, og han bærer langt hen ad vejen denne udgivelse på sine skuldre. Men han er bestemt ikke alen; den lige så forrygende kvindelige mezzosopran Vivica Genaux synger ... med helt selvfølgeligt overskud, og hele vejen ned ad rollelisten er der sangere, som er castet lige i plet ... Ensemblet Il Pomo d'Oro ... sprudler i og leger med hver en frase i Händels partitur. Her er ren spilleglæde ... Denne udgivelse ryger direkte ind på min personlige førsteplads. Varmt anbefalet!".


2018 décembre



Ivan A. Alexandre

2018 décembre

Fono Forum

2019 März



Richard Lorber

2019 März

"Nachdem "Ombra mai fu" verklungen ist, gesungen von Franco Fagioli in einem feinen Vibrato, wie es sonst nur den besten Mezzosopranistinnen zu Gebote steht, fackelt und lodert es in dieser Oper bis zum Schluss, bis zu Serses berühmter Wutarie "Crude furie", die Fagioli mit atemberaubender Virtuosität hinschmettert ... Man erlebt Händels Oper hier in einer durchaus ungewöhnlichen Interpretation, mehr in Richtung Opera seria mit grosser Emphase und existenziellen Konflikten, weniger mit Galanterie und Komödie. Dazu trägt der höchst versierte Cembalist Maxim Emelyanychev bei, der mit dem Ensemble Il Pomo d'oro in schönster Präzision und selbstbewusster Spielfreude jedesmal kräftige Ausdrucksakzente in den Arien setzt".

BBC music magazine

2013 November



Anna Picard

2013 November

"It's a stunning central performance, comfortably matched by incisive playing from the Early opera Company orchestra".

BBC music magazine

2023 August



Berta Joncus

2023 August

"Opera choice: With his ravishing, hilarious and profound recording of Serse, conductor Harry Bicket once again puts all rivals in the shade ... The suave assurance of Bicket and the English Concert is expressed in gracious tempos, translucent textures and poetic continuo realisations, which also send up the emotional incontinence of the characters on stage. In all, a riveting performance".

Fono Forum

2023 September



Susanne Benda

2023 September

BBC music magazine

2018 Christmas



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2018 Christmas

"Köhler stages the emotional rollercoaster of the first two acts around a huge dining table ... The idea of the broken feast perfectly captures the disruptive nature of Xerxes's tyranny ... Arquez is magnificent as Xerxes, and Elizabeth Sutphen makes a touching Romilda, feisty as well as tender. For once the put-upon Arsamene has an inner life of his own with the countertenor Lawrence Zazzo making a feast of his Act II aria 'Quella che tutte fè'. In the pit Constantinos Carydis never lets pace of musical imagination flag".


2019 mars



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2019 mars

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 26. apr. 1999


d. 26. apr. 1999

The gramophone

2019 February



Richard Wigmore

2019 February

"Editor's choice: I'd guess that a voice like Franco Fagioli's ... comes as close as we can get today to the mingled brilliance, suppleness and power of the great castrati in their pomp ... Few if any falsettists today could match his combination of temperament and vocal glamour in this notoriously taxing part. The rest of the cast easily hold their own in vocal lustre and dramatic immediacy. [Il Pomo d'Oro's] eagerly responsive, high-octane playing underpins the whole performance ... that combines vocal allure with a coruscating theatricality ... Whoever said Baroque 'dry recitative was boring?".

International record review

2013 October



Hugh Canning

2013 October

"Christian Curnyn's cast ... is truly without a weak link ... Anna Stephany - a Ferrier award winner ... steps up to the plate here with a performance of exceptional confidence and vocal bravura ... In sum, this is probably the Serse Handelians have been waiting for on disc".

The gramophone

2013 September



Richard Wigmore

2013 September

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "Until now the CD choice has been between the performances directed by Nicholas McGegan and William Christie ... They suffer from uneven casting. Not so this new recording, finely sung and conducted with style and spirit by Christian Curnyn ... For anyone wanting to acquire this jewel among Handel's later operas, this beautifully recorded new version is the one to go for".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2004) 23. årgang nr. 3


(2004) 23. årgang nr. 3

The gramophone

2023 July



Edward Breen

2023 July

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: The superb cast is led by Emily D'Angelo, whose opening aria - beautifully controlled and rich in tone - will not disappoint ... Indeed, her vocal presence throughout this recording is gloriously commanding, but her character journey is equally impressive ... A special mention must be made of the orchestra and their silvery string tone ... This new Serse is surely one of the most charismatic recordings now available".

Fono Forum

2018 Dezember



Manuel Brug

2018 Dezember

"Sachlich, aber auch witzig videoverliebt hat das Tilman Köhler inszeniert, im Fenster sieht man die Platane, die Xerxes (beweglich strahlende: Gaëlle Arquez) gleich zu Anfang im berühmten "Ombra mai fu" anschmachtet. Aber auch di schöne Romilda (sopran-schwankend: Elisabeth Sutphen) will er haben, die Braut seines Bruders Arsamene; also wird der vebannt. Aber auch Atatlanta, Romildas Schwester, liebt Arsamene, es geht hin und her und her und hin. Katastrophisches wechselt sich mit Komischem ab ... [mit] das vorzügliche Damenensemble ... Das Frankfurter Orchester offeriert Beweglichkeit und Klangnuancen".

The gramophone

2018 December



Richard Wigmore

2018 December

"While the director plays up the elements of chaos ... and incipient cruelty, his modern-dress staging, complete with video-installations, is theatrically compelling and psychologically convincing. In a uniformly fine, camera-friendly cast, all the singers throw themselves with gusto into their roles and interact vividly ... Arquez rightly dominates, vocally and dramatically ... Carydis's direction, always responsive to the singers, meshes well with the production ... For freshness and consistency of singing, the Frankfurt performance wins".