Musik / electronica



Summary: "Singularity marks the fifth album from the UK electronic producer and composer and the follow up to 2013's Mercury Prize nominated Immunity. Where Immunity charted the dark alternative reality of an epic night out, Singularity explores the dissonance between dystopian urbanity and the green forest. It is a journey that returns to where it began - from the opening note of foreboding to the final sound of acceptance. Shaped by his experiences with meditation and trance states, the album flows seamlessly from rugged techno to transcendent choral music, from solo acoustic piano to psychedelic ambient"

Anmeldelser (5)


d. 4. maj 2018



Larry Bartleet

d. 4. maj 2018

"A thumping, mind-meltingly good night out was the subject of Jon Hopkins' Mercury-shortlisted 2013 album 'Immunity'. This time, on album five, the electronica mastermind wants you to have a blissful psychedelic experience, and he's here to guide you through from beginning to end. Though 'Singularity"s 62-minutes can get extremely heavy - Hopkins fondly calls its gargantuan centrepiece 'Everything Connected' a "massive techno bastard" - it's still a near-perfect trip, and one that confirms Hopkins' status as one of the genre's brightest talents".





Paul Simpson


"Singularity is the proper follow-up to Jon Hopkins' 2013 breakthrough Immunity, a spellbinding album of highly intricate, glitchy techno which nevertheless felt organic, and even classical at times. Like that album, Singularity is filled with frayed feedback, skillfully crafted beats, and gentle piano melodies, as well as the occasional breathy vocals ... As striking as Immunity was, Singularity feels more developed, and it's ultimately a tough call as to which album is more exciting".


d. 3. maj 2018



Brian Howe

d. 3. maj 2018

"Best New Music" - "Pitched between heat-seeking acid house and ambient bliss, the techno auteur's first album since 2013 is a beat-music odyssey that thrums with spiritual resonance ... The songs here are about 75 percent build and 25 percent release, which is gripping, faintly exhausting, and, if you're ready to go there, transcendent. Hopkins seems to model his music on the infinite cycles of destruction and rebirth that power the universe-but we, too, are part of the scheme. Singularity is ultimately grounded in the personal, not the cosmic, which is what makes this head music so rich".


d. 16. maj 2018



Lucia Odoom

d. 16. maj 2018

"Det lyder, som om Jon Hopkins sender en hær af stormtropper ind i øregangen og lader dem brede sig ud i hjernecellerne, især på numre som 'Neon Pattern Drum', der sniger sig frem, sætter sig fast for derefter langsomt at begynde at slå fra sig i skarpe syntetiske beats. Jon Hopkins lyder nærmest, som om han prøver at få den hedengangne genre intelligent dance music tilbage i vælten igen ... Det var måske en lidt for firkantet betegnelse, men den ramte ned i, at elektronisk musik kan være en hjernestimulerende pensel, der maler vores omgivelser i alskens farver. I glimt ledes tankerne hen på to andre intelligente elektroniske briter, nemlig Boards of Canada og især deres seneste album 'Tomorrow's Harvest' fra 2013 ... Jon Hopkins har tidligere samarbejdet med Brian Eno om albummet 'Another Day on Earth' i 2005. På den sidste del af 'Singularity' lyder han mere Brian Eno-inspireret og knap så kølig og indmarcherende som på albummets første halvdel ... Det bedste vedelektroniskmusik er, at det er en genre, der kan tage drejninger, bygge verdener op og stikke af. Men de skarpt opdelte stemninger på dette album står i for stor kontrast til hinanden til at kunne fungere som konfronterende vekselvirkning".


d. 25. maj 2018



Ralf Christensen

d. 25. maj 2018

"Jon Hopkins [formulerer] (...) en utopisk tænkning, [som] trækker vejret gennem en elektronisk musik, der leger med musikalske metaforer for skabelse. En højelektronisk Also sprach Zarathustra ... Hopkins dyrker undervejs techno-/house-/dance-/ EDM-musikkens forførelseskunst, hvor man hele tiden skubbes tættere og tættere på, igen og igen nægtes og endelig får orgasmen. Den lille død. Ikke ulig naturens, ja, menneskelivets cyklus. Fødsel, blomstring, afblomstring. Der er europæiske pejlemærker på pladen ... Jean-Michel Jarre. Men også britiske Underworlds klangluksus findes. Og ikke mindst den modstræbende funky og komplekst medrivende mutant-dubstep-rytmik fra landsmanden Burial. Hans virke er med til at give Hopkins' driftsikre technopuls tilstrækkelig upålidelighed til, at der er lyn i hjernebarken, når man driver ind i dansens skyggerige. Men Burial bygger en verden af den dystopiske slags, hans skelsættende værk er postcivilisatorisk sammenbrudsboogie. Jon Hopkins giverospå Singularity noget meget mere håbefuldt".