Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Soirée : Magdalena Kožená & friends

Anmeldelser (6)

Presto classical

d. 13. sep. 2019



Katherine Cooper

d. 13. sep. 2019

"Recording of the week: The concept seems a particularly apt one for the Czech mezzo, inside whom one often senses that there's a frustrated instrumentalist trying to get out, and these smaller-scale canvases show this particular artist off to best advantage: Kožená's light-coloured mezzo isn't the largest of voices, and with these forces she has free rein to paint in subtle pastels ... Everyone sounds like they're having a blast, and it's an absolute joy to eavesdrop".

MusicWeb international

2019 September



Michael Cookson

2019 September

"Soirée, Magdalena Kožená's second album for Pentatone, has turned to the relaxed, intimate atmosphere of the salon or parlour. Kožená has selected thirty songs from the pens of Chausson, Dvořák, Brahms, Stravinsky, Ravel, Janáček and Richard Strauss. Her chamber accompaniment is a combination of string quartet, clarinet, flute and the piano (played by her husband Simon Rattle) ... Kožená is very much at home in this repertoire. Her beautifully produced, glowing tone absorbingly catches the predominantly fleeting moods of these parlour songs. She is accompanied by a mix of seven instrumentalists, whose playing is first-rate ... Magdalena Kožená is at her most engaging in this exquisitely performed chamber collection of songs".

The observer

d. 15. sep. 2019



Fiona Maddocks

d. 15. sep. 2019

"It's a pleasure to hear solo voice with various combinations ... Kožená's versatility, and strength in French and Czech repertoire especially, shine through ... A break from usual recital fare. And Simon Rattle makes his recording debut as a very nice pianist".

BBC music magazine

2019 November



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2019 November

"Soirée is Magdalena Kožená's homage to the world of domestic musicmaking, where one performs for the sheer pleasure of it ... Joining her is a septet of distinguished musicians including her husband Simon Rattle ... Kožená is on mixed form, however; at her playful best in the Janáček, oddly disengaged in the limpid adieu: Strauss's wide-eyed 'Morgen' - which goes through the motions without fully communicating the sense of rapturous immensity".


2020, nr. 56



Mikael Garnæs

2020, nr. 56

"Denne cd er som at smuglytte til en aften, hvor musikalske venner hygger sig i hinandens selskab, Værtinden er mezzosopranen Madalene Kozená, som har haft lyst til at skabe et forum, hvor hun musicerer for sin egen fornæjelses skyld ... Hun indbyder en række musikerkolleger ... til at medvirke i en broget række af sange ... Det samlende element, og det, der især gør cd'en værd at høre, er Magdalena Kozená, der med sin smukke stemme demonstrerer en imponerende kompetence og alsidighed".

The gramophone

2019 Awards



Mark Pullinger

2019 Awards

"There is some lovely singing from Kožená, whose fawn-tinted mezzo retains its attractive quality from her earliest discs ... She sings the two Brahms collections well, especially the Ophelia Songs, and is at her best in her native Czech ... The chamber-group support is refined and well-behaved ... Rattle's gentle, unforced pianism doesn't get in the way and Wolfram Brandl's soaring violin in Strauss's 'Morgen!' is beautifully judged".