Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Song for St. Cecilia's day

Anmeldelser (6)

BBC music magazine

2012 December



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2012 December

"Ludus Baroque presents its qualities with unusual vividness in this spacious and measured performance ... The whole choral and orchestral tableau is marvellously realised here in an acoustic that combines richness with presence. Superb vocal solos, too".

Fono Forum

2009 Februar




2009 Februar

"Mit Julia Gooding und Jerermy Ovenden beweist Fasolis ein glückliches Händchen".

International record review

2012 October



John T. Hughes

2012 October

"Ludus Baroque acquits itself admirably ... with instrumental exponents stylishly playing, whether in a group or in single contributions. The choral side produces fresh sounds ... Bevan and Lyon serve the music laudably. She has a clean, limpid tone, which sits well in Handel's arias, smooth but not pale, shining but not glaring ... Among his [Lyon's] positive points are his natural singing and enunciation, his clean articulation of rapid notes and a pleasing tone ... A rewarding disc".

The gramophone

2012 Awards



David Vickers

2012 Awards

"The ode receives an orderly performance. I wish there were double the number of string-players: the sonority of only six violins is insufficiently grand for the overture's opening ... The unaffected 19-strong choir outweights the slimline orchestra at times ... But kudos to Delphian for the intelligent choice of cover art reflecting Dryden's first stanza discussing the creation of the universe".

The gramophone

2009 February



David Vickers

2009 February

"Organ continuo is too prominent throughout; but the performance of the Organ Concerto No 13 is enchanting, with soloist Francesco Cera displaying fluent technique and choosing appealing registrations".