Musik / kor

St Luke passion

Anmeldelser (4)


2020 octobre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2020 octobre

BBC music magazine

2020 August



John Allison (f. 1965)

2020 August

"One of Penderecki's key works, the St Luke Passion ... a piece of stark power and emotional impact, signals the beginnings of Penderecki's neo-Romanticism yet still uses many of his avantgarde procedures ... Kent Nagano marshals his large forces - soloists, multiple choirs and an orchestra featuring organ plus much percussion - impressively ... Joining Nagano's Canadian orchestra, the combined Polish choirs sing with superbly controlled solemnity".

Fono Forum

2020 November



Bernd Feuchtner

2020 November

"Kent Naganos tatsächlich eher spirituelle als reisserische Aufführung wirkt auf CD vermutlich besser und differenzierter als damals auf der Salzburger Breitwandbühne. Die Sopranistin Sarah Wegener seufzt und fleht leidenschaftlich und mit vierteltönigen Schwebungen um das Seelenheil ... Das kanadische Orchester füllt das weite Spektrum zwischen brutaler Gewalt, inniger Kontemplation und fahlen Klangflächen mit ebenso reichen Farben wie der Krakauer Philharmonische Chor und die Warschauer Chorknaben ... Faszinierender Höhepunkt aber bleibt die grosse Passacaglia auf die Heilands-Improperien".

The gramophone

2020 September



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2020 September

"The voices of the Warsaw Boys' Choir and the Kraków Philharmonic Choir draw the listener immediately into this recording of the St Luke Passion ... This is a work that has remained in the public's imagination more than any other by Penderecki ... The work is wonderfully threaded together by the Evangelist, Sławomir Holland ... The soprano Warah Wegener is also remarkable ... and she, like the other soloists, is accompanied by some truly sensitive orchestral playing. One of the great challenges of this work, in fact, is finding a balance between its many moments of chamber music-like intimacy and its gestural monumentality, and in this the orchestra is fundamental ... This is a great work deserving of great performances. Will it be only me whose face is bathed in tears as the final chord sounds?".