Musik / rock

Sun structures

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 12. feb. 2014



Jayson Greene

d. 12. feb. 2014

"They talk about their love of the Byrds, the Nazz, and Marc Bolan in interviews with intelligence and feeling, and Sun Structures reproduces the sounds of its era with a painstaking, granular attention to detail. If you were inclined, you could isolate every snare crack and background "ahh" and source it right back to a specific two-second snatch of a classic psych record. Which also points to why it's difficult to feel invested in Temples: This is pretty much all you can do with Sun Structures".

Gaffa [online]

d. 10. feb. 2014



Kristian Petersen

d. 10. feb. 2014

"Mange bands fra den nye bølge af unge engelske psykedeliske rockbands har en hård tilgang til genren. Det er derfor forfriskende at høre Temples, der sender mere bløde og kærlige toner ud af højttalerne ... Titelnummeret, med sine insisterende trommer og abrupte breaks, er der, man ser mest slægtskab med bands som The Horrors og TOY, men overordnet er det elegant og ukantet, ind imellem næsten grænsende til det parodierende, retro-psychpop, man møder hos Temples".


d. 4. feb. 2014



Graeme Marsh

d. 4. feb. 2014

"Endorsed by Noel Gallagher, Johnny Marr and Brett Anderson, it's easy to see why Temples are highly thought of. They've since supported Suede, Kasabian and even The Rolling Stones and are ably holding their own in such exalted company. Perhaps unusually for an album these days, Sun Structures is a compelling listen throughout its 55 minutes, holding together perfectly as a whole with strong tracks dotted throughout. Temples are clearly set to bring in a fair few new worshippers".