Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (5)

The guardian

d. 20. mar. 2014



Lanre Bakare

d. 20. mar. 2014

"At times, they pull it off, producing a kind of MGMT-lite brand of loosely psychedelic dance-pop - with titles such as Pseudologia Fantastica - drenched in dreamy falsetto. The best moment on the record is Best Friend, which takes their trippy approach and combines it with horns, celestial backing vocals and disco production to create a bona fide summer belter. Unfortunately their fusion doesn't always stick".


d. 21. mar. 2014



Jeff Koch

d. 21. mar. 2014

"From a group best known for their upbeat, dancefloor-ready hits, this song-this whole record-is a massive surprise. It is also achingly, devastatingly beautiful. Out of 11 tracks, there's only a few that remind one of the old Foster the People. Really only "Best Friend" would fit in snugly alongside anything off of Torches".

The guardian

d. 20. mar. 2014



Lanre Bakare

d. 20. mar. 2014

"At times, they pull it off, producing a kind of MGMT-lite brand of loosely psychedelic dance-pop - with titles such as Pseudologia Fantastica - drenched in dreamy falsetto. The best moment on the record is Best Friend, which takes their trippy approach and combines it with horns, celestial backing vocals and disco production to create a bona fide summer belter. Unfortunately their fusion doesn't always stick".


d. 21. mar. 2014



Jeff Koch

d. 21. mar. 2014

"From a group best known for their upbeat, dancefloor-ready hits, this song-this whole record-is a massive surprise. It is also achingly, devastatingly beautiful. Out of 11 tracks, there's only a few that remind one of the old Foster the People. Really only "Best Friend" would fit in snugly alongside anything off of Torches".

Gaffa [online]

d. 22. apr. 2014



Kristian Petersen

d. 22. apr. 2014

"Supersingler er der ikke på Supermodel, men der er til gengæld masser, der peger i retning af, at Foster The People snildt kan ende i den intelligente indiepops superliga sammen med bands som Vampire Weekend og Death Cab for Cutie".