Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonic dances, op. 45

Anmeldelser (13)

MusicWeb international

2015 April



Michael Cookson

2015 April

"The engineers have provided satisfactory sound. Add to this a reasonably informative essay in the booklet. Overall this is a real treat, full of strong characterful playing and vivid colours from Argerich and her Lugano friends".

Fono Forum

2012 Juni



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2012 Juni

"Nicht Sentiment, sondern vor allem tiefer Ernst ist es, den er gemeinsam mit dem London Symphony Orchestra als Hauptelement der Partitur herauskristallisiert. Dies geht allerdings nicht auf Kosten jener tänzerischen Energie, wie sie vor allem im zweiten Satz und der Stretta des Finales sich manifestiert".

BBC music magazine

2012 July



Calum MacDonald

2012 July

"These are thoughtful, well-considered performances, excellently played and recorded. So why do I feel they lack something? ... Overall the emotional temperature seems a bit low, despite some highly exciting passages and refined solo playing ... But there are simply better versions elsewhere".

BBC music magazine

2010 March



David Nice

2010 March

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - Vasily Petrenko is a master of expressive phrasing".

Fono Forum

2011 Juli



Stephan Schwarz

2011 Juli

"Es ist erstaunlich, in welch kurzer Zeit die 2003 gegründete Nationalphilharmonie künstlerisch Fuss gefasst hat ... Bei den Werken Rachmaninows zeigt sich das Orchester vollends in seinem Element".

BBC music magazine

2023 May



Erik Levi

2023 May

"This fascinating and intelligently planned programme brings together the final works of three late-Romantic composers whose stylistic outlook, at least on the surface, appears to have been at odds with the harsh and modernist external environment in which they were living ... Joseph Moog and Kai Adomeit are fully attuned to the more percussive aspects of Rachmaninov's writing".

BBC music magazine

2005 July



Robert Layton

2005 July

"Quite simply superb ... find the orchestra in responsive form and can hold their own against most rival versions ... In these dedicated performances both works cast a powerful spell".

International record review

2012 April



Mark Pullinger

2012 April

"Valery Gergiev and the London Symphony Orchestra are fully alert to these and offer a reading full of wistful melancholy and rugged aggression ... The LSO strings are all neo-classical precision in the Stravinsky ... There is much to enjoy here, not least an orchestra that is at the very top of its game under its charismatic conductor".

The gramophone

2012 June



Geoffrey Norris

2012 June

"This is a big-boned performance [Stravinsky], its syncopations crisply articulated by the LSO ... So this is one of those maddening discs that might be recommendable for one of the works but not for the other".

International record review

2010 February



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2010 February

"All in all, warmly recommended".

The gramophone

2010 May



Geoffrey Norris

2010 May

"In the Symphonic Dances he and his finely honed, malleable RLPO lucidly characterise the tangy instrumental timbres and crisp, syncopated rhythms ... Deft orchestra equilibrium and supple rubato give The Rock the helping hand it needs".

The gramophone

2015 March



Jeremy Nicholas

2015 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "It is ... rather more than a convenient repertoire compendium because, taken overall, there are few finer versions anywhere of each title ... All in all, a Rachmaninov-fest to savour".

The gramophone

2023 April



Jed Distler

2023 April

"Joseph Moog and Kai Adomeit are so well matched that you can hardly tell the pianists apart ... Their synchronicity extends to all dynamic hairpins and precisely yet never rigidly matching each others 'marcato' articulations ... More from this dynamic duo, please!".