Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonie Nr. 10

Anmeldelser (22)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"It certainly whets the appetite for more music by this composer, and it's splendidly played here. The sonics are typically vivid, with rich bass, a bright top, and plenty of impact from the winds and heavy brass. Horns and cymbals could have been slightly more present, however. Not a perfect release, then, but a very good one nonetheless".

Kulturradio RBB

d. 22. juli 2015



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 22. juli 2015

"Andris Nelsons startet wohl zu einem Zyklus - zeigt ein paar Schwächen, aber insgesamt ... Ich rate zu! auch wenn Andris Nelsons noch zeigen muss, ob er sich aus dem langen Schatten seiner Idole [Karajan] wirklich heraus traut oder nicht".

The guardian

d. 20. aug. 2015



Erica Jeal

d. 20. aug. 2015

"Don't press play without checking the volume levels first: Andris Nelsons and the Boston Symphony Orchestra begin their new Shostakovich series with the Passacaglia from the opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, and its first chord is genuinely cataclysmic ... It at once recalibrates your ears and sets the tone for the ensuing performance of the 10th Symphony".

Classics today

d. 30. nov. 2010



David Hurwitz

d. 30. nov. 2010

"This performance goes right to the top. Not since the amazing mono Ancerl recording has there been a version of this work of such intensity, such expressive urgency ... It's all captured in gloriously vivid, present sonics by the Naxos engineers".





Blair Sanderson


"The tension that results is unsettling and may be a bit puzzling, especially to an audience unfamiliar with Shostakovich's mercurial changes of style and mood, but Jansons' interpretation is straightforward and direct, so possible meanings are left to the listener. RCO Live's super audio sound captures everything, so even the subtlest nuances are fully audible".

MusicWeb international

2019 November



Michael Cookson

2019 November

"I place this compelling live account of the Tenth from Jansons up there with the finest recordings. Janson's Bavaria players are on splendid form, displaying their qualities of character and controlled power combined with precision and unity. It is hard to fault the effectiveness of the numerous solo sections notably the woodwind and horns".


d. 30. aug. 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 30. aug. 2015

"Man behøver ikke kende det store til Sjostakovitjs kodesprog for at høre, at hans 10. Symfoni er en barsk omgang. Slet ikke, når Nelsons har så godt styr på spændingskurverne i den voldsomme musik, som det er tilfældet her. Den orkestrale tonestorm er imidlertid så velordnet og kultiveret, at biddet af og til bliver lidt tandløst".


2013, nr. 48



Thomas Roth

2013, nr. 48

"Välspelat och vackert. Men lyckas man förmedla Sjostakovitjs visioner? Nej, långt ifrån. Främför allt saknas det spänning och drama. Vill man ha den ryska mästaren som bakgrundsmusik så är denna cd perfekt men den förmedlar inte verkets dynamiska omfång alls".

BBC music magazine

2013 August



David Nice

2013 August

"If you want to experience a Shostakovich Ten as beautiful sound, this is the recording for you, but it's not by any means the full story".

BBC music magazine

2009 May



David Nice

2009 May

"Paavo Järvi's approach adds a few expressive nudges of its own leading up to a clearly balanced and spring-heeled first-movement development ... slightly lightweight quality of Cincinatti's disciplined orchestra".

BBC music magazine

2015 November



David Nice

2015 November

"Vurdering: BBC music orchestral choice" - "A peerless Shostakovich Tenth ... The pacing, the atmosphere, the expressive space for stricken solos and the sheer electric charge of the gallops are up there with the best".

Fono Forum

2015 August



Christoph Vratz

2015 August

"Nelsons strukturiert das Bostoner Orchester vortrefflich ... Das klingt wahrhaft eindringlich, gross, unmittelbar, aber nie nach billigem Effekt-Kino. Die vielen Wechsel, die klugen Staffelungen im Finale, gelingen in aller Drastik, bissig, kernig, mit genügend Puste bis zu den einzelnen Gipfeln".


2015 novembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2015 novembre

BBC music magazine

2020 March



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2020 March

"Recording of the month: If you want a testimony to what it was we lost when Mariss Jansons died, listen to this disc. In big symphonic works Jansons always had a flair for bringing out both the long singing line and the key details, but this is exceptional ... What I'm left with is a sense of wonder, and even a kind of joy at the way both Shostakovich and Jansons are able to express and contain such dark, troubling emotions".

BBC music magazine

2010 December



David Nice

2010 December

"Vurdering: BBC orchestral choice" - "Petrenko's RLPO strings and woodwind support him to the hilt".


2013 juillet-août



Patrick Szersnovicz

2013 juillet-août

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2013 August



Edward Seckerson

2013 August

"You expect quality from this source - and you get it here, in abundance ... Ultimately it's all a matter of taste, of course, but there is such a thing as too good in this music where technique and finish should never trump the unvarnished truth".

International record review

2013 June



Mark Pullinger

2013 June

"What glorious sounds those Concertgebouw strings produce: warmth and richness in abundance, but also violent in attack ... Janspns ensures scrupulous observance of Shostakovich's markings ... Jansons and the Concertgebouw would be very close to snatching the crown were it not for the remarkable ongoing cycle from Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Orchestra ... Nevertheless, Jansons and the Royal Concertgebouw offer a distinguished reading which shouldn't be dismissed ligthly".

The gramophone

2016 Awards



Andrew Achenbach

2016 Awards

"Vurdering: Orchestral of the year" - "Nelson's conception of the mighty Tenth Symphony is hugely compelling in its iron control, intrepid character, scrupulous preparation, rhythmic acuity and shrewd observation".

The gramophone

2015 August



Edward Seckerson

2015 August

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Powerful and beautifully crafted, this recording - the first from the relationship between DG and the Boston Symphony under Nelsons - is a hugely impressive sign of just what this ensemble/maestro partnership may go on to achieve".

The gramophone

2020 February



Peter Quantrill

2020 February

"It is difficult to imagine anyone happy with one of the late Mariss Jansons's previous recordings (from Philadelphia, 6/95, and Amsterdam, 8/13) feeling compelled to update their collection, or any listener previously unpersuaded by the conductor's pursuit of beauty above all suddenly experiencing a road-to-Damascus moment where the Tenth Symphony is concerned".

The gramophone

2011 January



David Fanning

2011 January

"Vurdering: E - Editor's choice" - "There's been no finer account in recent years ... the Naxos recording is clear and full-bodied".