Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 5

Anmeldelser (19)

Classics today




Victor Carr


"Manfred Honeck makes the Shostakovich Fifth sound freshly-composed-quite an accomplishment for this certified warhorse ... Honeck's interpretation is remarkable for its clean, rhythmically-alert phrasing ... The Pittsburgh Symphony plays marvelously, with a bright and sinewy orchestral texture ... This is one fine Shostakovich Fifth ... The Barber Adagio receives a tender and touching performance".

MusicWeb international

2018 August



Michael Cookson

2018 August

"More than a match for most under Urbański, NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester give a performance that feels totally sincere with quite marvellous sound. This is a thrilling performance of both physical impact and deep emotional intensity ... Standing comparison with the finest accounts".

MusicWeb international

2017 November



Nick Barnard (musikanmelder)

2017 November

"I have enjoyed Manfred Honeck's interpretations of varying repertoire for many years but this is the finest I have heard yet and in the symphony he has created a version of deeply personal power and insight which has renewed my love for this great work all over again. A triumph".


d. 9. juni 2009



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 9. juni 2009

"I den femte symfoni modererede komponisten sig i forhold til mængden af bistre moderne toner, men når man hører Philharmonias kraftfulde cd med en langsom tredjesats, der isner i tænderne af nødvendig smerte, undrer det alligevel, at Sjostakovitj ret faktisk overlevede ... Ashkenazy på podiet tolker Sjostakovitj i ekstremerne".

BBC music magazine

2009 December



David Nice

2009 December

"Light and well-sprung through the opening bars, an amazingly well articulated central Presto and the start of the finale, Petrenko's interpretation of the Ninth unleashed the full ferocity of threatening developments".

Fono Forum

2006 Juli



W. Pf.

2006 Juli

"Hier hört man Schostakowitsch pur. Temirkanov erschliesst uns die Trauer und Melancholie dieser Musik ebenso eindringlich wie ihr Höhnisches Gelächter und ihre opportunistisch-satirische Grimasse. Ergreifend und verstörend".

BBC music magazine

2006 July



Erik Levi

2006 July

"The performance from the WDR Symphony Orchestra is compelling at both ends of the dynamic spectrum,f rom the heart-rending funeral tread of the opening paragraph of "In memoriam" to the savage fugue of the "9th january" ... This outstandingly vivid recording ... offers a very convincing and percuasive alternative"".


2018 novembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2018 novembre

BBC music magazine

2018 December



Bayan Northcott

2018 December

"The catalogue is stuffed with outstanding recordings. Still, his [Krzysztof Urbánski] unfolding of the long first movement, with its many tempo changes, as a single unified sweep is most impressive, as is the hushed desolation he achieves in the third movement ... The NDR Elbphilharmonie responds with all due intensity".

Fono Forum

2009 Februar



Jörg Hillebrand

2009 Februar

"Das klingt zwar sehr kraftvoll und gebündelt, doch schon die Ouvertüre missfällt durch katastrophales Zusammenspiel. In der Symphonie setzen sich dann Intonationsprobleme innerhalb der Streichergruppen durch".

The gramophone

2009 December



David Gutman

2009 December

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "His Fifth is remarkable for the tight descipline and detailed characterisation of musicians plainly on the up ... The five-movement Ninth has sufficient energy and muscle to make it more than a mere divertissement".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 14. juni 2004


d. 14. juni 2004

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)


Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)

The gramophone

2018 Awards



Mark Pullinger

2018 Awards

"This incisive new recording with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra ... certainly makes a powerful statement ... There's not the red-raw playing of corrosive brass of Kirill Kondrashin's Moscow Philharmonic (on Melodiya's indispensable set) but the Hamburgers still generate plenty of excitement ... Urbanski's Scherzo is earthy rather than biting".

BBC music magazine

2017 December



David Nice

2017 December

"Manfred Honeck's Shostakovich sounds magnificent ... And while Honeck also ignores evidence that Barber meant his Adagio is a lovesong to Menotti, that's a deeply felt reading, too".

Vurdering : 4/5.

The gramophone

2009 January



David Gutman

2009 January

"The conductor has himself played a part in the debate surrounding Shostakovich's reception history but on the podium he remains averse to overegging the pudding. Conscientiously avoiding the kind of grandiloquence ... the first movement ... still seems fresh. Only a few moments of swagger in the second movement sound forced".

International record review

2008 December



Martin Anderson

2008 December

"With close on 50 recordings of the Shostakovich Fifth Symphony in the catalogue, it has to be an exceptional account that enter the lists ... Luckily this is one such ... Vladimir Ashkenazy is at his best ... What characterizes this particular Fifth, though, is its relentless drive and fierce energy ... The closing bars [Festive overture] bring up the hairs on your arm. Well worth your money and your time".