Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (6)

The guardian

d. 8. maj 2014



Tim Ashley

d. 8. maj 2014

"Sabata makes Tamerlano the most insidious and dangerous of psychopaths ... Ainsley's noble, harrowing Bajazet has rarely been bettered ... Minasi's conducting is second to none, too, and the work's severity and sensuousness are wonderfully captured by Il Pomo d'Oro. This is one of the great Handel recordings and very highly recommended".


2014 mai



Ivan A. Alexandre

2014 mai

BBC music magazine

2014 August



Anna Picard

2014 August

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "The cast is of exceptional and even strength ... [Sabata and Cencic] deliver brilliant tone and lively fioritura, while the scenes between Sabata and Ainsley crackle with fury ... An all-round outstanding performance ... The orchestral performance is dynamic, the bowing expressive".


2015, nr. 59



Axel Lindhe

2015, nr. 59

"Flest superlativer vill jag ösa över John Mark Ainsley som sultanen Bajazet och Karina Gauvin som hans dotter Asteria. Det är en njutning att lyssna ... att man blir alldeles knäsvag ... Ingen älskare av barockopera bör vara utan den här utgåvan".

The gramophone

2014 August



Richard Lawrence

2014 August

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "What a wonderful opera this is ... and the music superb. The chief characteristic of this performance is the unbridled energy of the orchestra ... John Mark Ainsley makes a heroic Bajazet, deeply moving ... Andronico is tenderly sung by Max Emanuel Cencic; and Ruxandra Donose brings lovely warm tone to Irene ... Newcomers should start with this throat-grabbing performance".

International record review

2014 July/August



Hugh Canning

2014 July/August

"In sum, while there are many fine individual performances contained in previous recordings, this new Tamerlano is without a weak vocal link and presents Handel's drama, for the first time on disc, as one of the mightiest operatic achievements of the Baroque era".