Musik / kor

The crown : Coronation anthems
Hymnes du couronnement

Anmeldelser (14)

RBB Kultur

d. 29. sep. 2022



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 29. sep. 2022

"Dieses Album kommt wie auf Bestellung: Kurz vor der Krönung des neuen englischen Königs Charles III. legt das Ensemble Le Concert Spirituel eine Neueinspielung der "Coronation Anthems" von Georg Friedrich Händel vor. Und nicht nur das. Der Dirigent Hervé Niquet orientiert sich in seiner Aufnahme an der mutmasslichen Uraufführungs-Besetzung von 1727 und musiziert die vier Anthems sowie das opulente Dettinger Te Deum mit knapp 90 Sängern und Instrumentalisten.Über weite Strecken gelingt das sehr gut, auch dank des hervorragend disponierten Chores".

The guardian

d. 8. feb. 2009



Stephen Pritchard

d. 8. feb. 2009

"There are dozens in the catalogue; can the Sixteen be any better than, say, King's Cambridge, the Monteverdi Choir or New College, Oxford? Well, yes, they can. Harry Christophers brings the same fire to these perfect miniatures that he brought to his triumphant Messiah last year, firmly establishing him as the Handelian of the momen".

The observer

d. 6. maj 2023



Fiona Maddocks

d. 6. maj 2023

"The Crown, a timely account of English coronation anthems, trumpet fanfares, drum rolls and shouts of "God save the king!". It was recorded, in honour of Charles III, at the Royal Chapel, Versailles, last December. The music, by Purcell and Handel, was written for the coronations of James II in 1685 and George II in 1727 ... Of Handel's four coronation anthems, Zadok the Priest ... remains the most stirring and spectacular. Both The French choir is at times fuzzy, but the orchestral sound is clean and spirited, and the set is accompanied by a handsome illustrated booklet".

MusicWeb international

2023 April



Johan van Veen

2023 April

"This disc has been released right on time, only shortly before the coronation of Charles III. That is quite remarkable, as the recording took place only in December last year ... As one may have gathered by now, I am very happy with these performances. They are among the best that I have heard as far as Handel's Coronation Anthems are concerned".

Fono Forum

2022 Dezember



Reinmar Emans

2022 Dezember

"Schon der Einleitungsakkord von "Zadok the Priest" lässt fast erschauern; jedenfalls gelingt der Einstieg mit diesem Akkort atemberaubend. Auch die Balance zwischen Sängern und Instrumentalisten könnte besser kaum sein. Dank eines gemeinsamen Atems bleiben selbst die Tutti ziemlich gut durchhörbar ... Ähnlich gilt auch für das eigentliche Grosswerk dieser Einspielung, das "Dettinger Te Deum" ... [dass es] auch hier wirkt dank der Souveränität der Musiker des Concert Spirituels vieles leichter, als man es bei all den massiven Trompetenklängen erwarten würde; jedenfalls steht die Erhabenheit von Händels Musik musikalisch stets im Vordergrund".

BBC music magazine

2022 October



Berta Joncus

2022 October

"Niquet's fluid lines heighten the drama by drawing out crucial words in long, upswelling crescendos, punctuated at climaxes by pungent brass and woodwinds ... His performers apply dynamics with authority and precision, fashioning an intricate fabric".


2022, nr. 67



Charlotte Nørby

2022, nr. 67

"Det fransk ensemble Le Concert Spirituel er optaget af autentisk opførelsespraksis ... På deres nye album spiller de Händels kroningsmusik - de fire 'Coronation Anthems' - så tæt som muligt på den måde, det lød, da de blev opført første gang ved kong Georg d. 2.s kroning i 1727 ... Alt i alt er det værd at lytte til Händels toner udført af dirigent Hervé Niquet og Le Concert Spirituel".


2016 juillet-août



Ivan A. Alexandre

2016 juillet-août

Fono Forum

2023 August



Reinmar Emans

2023 August

"Dass Gaétan Jarry hier nun diesenAnthems zusammenstellt, ist eigentlich sehr naheliegend - dies umzo mehr, als alle für üppigste Besetzungen geschrieben wurden und damit eigentlich sehr gut funktionieren. Was Jarry für diese Aufnahme an Musikerpersonal zusammenbringt, ist schon recht exzeptionell ... Die Klangkörper setzen ihre Aufgaben sehr kraftvoll und enthusiastisch um".

The gramophone

2022 Awards



Lindsay Kemp

2022 Awards

"Hervé Niquet ... has bumped up his forces ... the result this time being an orchestra of 47 and a choir of 35. That makes an unwieldy ship, and one has to congratulate Niquet on steering it as agilely as he does. But while the extra winds give off a honkingly military timbre, there is little actual gain in the body of distantly recorded sound, out of which the choral tone emerges strangely hollow and overwhelmed. The loss in definition is also regrettable: the words are hardly distinguishable, instrumental passagework is indistinct and many of the music's edges are frustratingly blunt ... This really is an oddity".


2022, nr. 66



Andrew Mellor

2022, nr. 66

"Händels kroningshymner omfatter blandt andet "Zadok the Priest", hvis svangre orkesterindledning er komponeret til at vare præcis den tid, det tog for George 2 at gå op ad midtergangen i Westminster Abbey, før koret bryder ud i sang. Udover hymnerne til George 2's kroning indeholder albummet med det franske ensemble Le Concert Spirituel, også Händels smittende "Te Deum" i D-dur - i anledning af sejren ved slaget i Dettingen i 1743 ... "Den glitrende kraft i denne ceremonielle musik blev skabt af en Händel, der var sig bevidst at sætte det bedste af sit geni i kronens og historiens tjeneste", siger Niquet".

The gramophone

2009 April



David Vickers

2009 April

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "There are plenty of very good recordings of the four anthems that Handel composed for the coronation of King George II and Queen Caroline ... but this new one by The Sixteen leaps straight towards the top of the heap ... The Sixteen's most exciting achievement in its impressive Handel discography".

The gramophone

2016 August



David Vickers

2016 August

""Ye sons of Israel mourn" from Esther shows that this Teutonic choir can sing Handel in English with as much eloquence as any native British choir".

The gramophone

2023 June



Lindsay Kemp

2023 June

"Album of anthems written for the coronation of English Kings ... [A] friendly gift from abroad to mark the UK's big day, and gladly recieved it should be, too ... [On] Gaétan Jarry's jubilant offering with the Orchestra and Choir of the Opéra Royal ... they make a tremendous noise - Zadok is absolutely thunderous, its drumbeats sounding like cannons going off outside somewhere, and Handel's My heart is inditing (lit by glittering bursts from the grand organ) has an urgency few will have heard in it before ... If a joyful clamour in a large building is what you want, well here it is".