Musik / opera

The cunning little vixen

Anmeldelser (9)

Presto classical

d. 4. sep. 2020



James Longstaffe

d. 4. sep. 2020

"Recording of the week: Sometimes when listening to a new recording for the first time, you can tell more or less straight away that what you are about to hear is going to be pretty special ... The opening prelude, a brilliant representation of a forest teeming with life, is extraordinary in Rattle's hands: The LSO strings sound electrifyingly insectile ... Crowe perfectly captures the quixotic, scheming moods of "Sharp-Ears" ... For me, though, the standout is Gerald Finley as the Forester".

MusicWeb international

2020 October



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2020 October

"What a miraculous score this is! There's so much winningly lyrical music in it and the depiction of nature in so much of the music is absolutely captivating ... Fortunately, in the LSO we have an orchestra that's supremely equipped to do full justice to Janáček's fertile imagination. And in Simon Rattle, with his famed attention to detail we have a conductor who knows how to bring out the best in the score ... The three principal roles are strongly cast. Lucy Crowe is an excellent Vixen ... This, then, is a very fine account of The Cunning Little Vixen. Listening to it for review purposes has been a delight ... My regret that this set wasn't a DVD of the performance".

BBC music magazine

2020 December



David Nice

2020 December

"If this Vixen is good, the Sinfonietta is outstanding - arguably the best on disc, though you need to experience the work in a concert hall with the nine trumpets blazing. They're supremely sophisticated as well as clarion here; Rattle, being a sound man first and foremost, makes every odd instrumental combination tell and there's a drive sometimes lacking in the Vixen".

Fono Forum

2021 Januar



Gerhard Persché

2021 Januar

"Nun, mit seinem "postberliner" Klangkörper, dem London Symphony Orchestra, scheint er [Simon Rattle] die Melancholie des Stücks zu betonen, beschwört in herbstliche Farben getauchte spätsommerliche Nächte und lässt über die Verletzlichkeit und Vergänglichkeit der Natur nachdenken. Das Spiel des LSO ist wunderbar differenziert, oft kammermusikalisch durchleuchtet, und setzt sich gegen die eher trockene Akustik des Londoner Barbican gut durch. Auch die Solistenriege lässt kaum Wünsche offen ... Vorzüglich das rollendeckend kecke, geschmeidige, manchmal auch boshafte Füchslein von Lucy Crowe ... Über allen aber steht der grossartige Gerald Finley als lebensweise grübelnder Förster. Die CD bietet zusätzlich eine Einspielung von Janáčeks "Sinfonietta" in beispielgebender, kristallklarer Zeichnung".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2008) 27. årgang nr. 1



Henrik Marcussen

(2008) 27. årgang nr. 1

"Trods folkelige melodier er musikken alligevel ganske eksperimenterende, hvor strygerne fremhæver skovens stemninger, og blæsere og soloviolin dyreverdenen, indlevet medfortolkende af et hold fremragende sangere med tjekkoslovakkerne Popp, Jedlocka og Randova i front ... Wienernes saftige strygerkorps og fuldblods blæsergruppe understreger partiturets mangfoldige nuancer ... Mackerras formidler en poetisk og varm tolkning. En vidunderlig indspilning".

BBC music magazine

2008 April



Michael Scott Rohan

2008 April

"The first in the original astringent but atmospheric scoring. Mackerras is slightly less warmly idiomatic than his Czech rivals, but it's better sung".


2020, nr. 100



Carl-Henric Malmgren

2020, nr. 100

"Oftast är det solisterna som hyllas i operasammanhang. men frågan är om inte London Symphony Orchestra och Simon Rattle är de stora stjärnorna i denna liveinspelning från Barbican Hall. Den listiga lilla räven består till hälften av ren instrumentalmusik och här får lyssnaren sig till livs en mörkare tolkning än vanligt ... Simon Rattle låter de dansante tonerna från Mähren färgas av sorg och allvar ... och det är svårt att inte låta sig förtrollas av hans tolkning".

The gramophone

2020 October



Hugo Shirley

2020 October

"Editor's choice: With pinpoint playing from the LSO and close, detailed recorded sound, this is a 'Vixen' with sharp teeth as well as sharp ears ... The sense of dramatic vividness is conveyed superbly by the cast, led by Lucy Crowe's impulsive Vixen, brimming with 'joie de vivre' and mischief and singing with airy ease ... The generous coupling is every bit as compelling: a taut account of the Sinfonietta that bristles with nervous energy and exultant joy ... All in all, an outstanding release, and a rewarding celebration of this wonderful composer's art".