Musik / folk

The weight of the sun

Anmeldelser (4)





Timothy Monger


"From the outset, Weight of the Sun feels less immediately accessible than Modern Studies' two previous albums and suffers a bit from its mid-tempo lull and more contemporary palette. Given some time to decant, however, it reveals hidden depths and more interesting layers than are at first apparent".


d. 7. maj 2020



Steven Johnson

d. 7. maj 2020

"Those familiar with Modern Studies' previous two albums won't find much in the way of surprises here but overall, The Weight Of The Sun is the most developed and assured they've sounded to date, very much falling into the `rewards deep listening' category. There's a slow, quiet resonance to the final moments, especially on closing track Shape Of Light, that wrap everything up neatly, proving that positives can undoubtedly flow from separation".

Folk radio UK

d. 14. maj 2020



Bob Fish

d. 14. maj 2020

"There's a sense of subtlety and grace to The Weight Of The Sun that only comes from a band that is confident in their ability to find the power in the music. And rather than bludgeoning the listener, Modern Studies deploys notes sparingly so as not to overplay their hand. Like any true musicians, Modern Studies knows the power in the music doesn't just come from the notes they play, but even more importantly, from the ones they don't play. The Weight Of The Sun is all the better for it".

Record collector

507 (2020 July)



Alex Neilson

507 (2020 July)

"The group at their most musically sumptuous and lyrically expansive. Album opener "Photograph" is all tumbling drums, trilling violins and chanted vocals like the oceanic hymnals of Popol Vuh. "Heavy Water" has a gospelised charge with Emily Scott's harmonies sashaying around Rob St John's oaky baritone - the pair singing about surviving life's emotional plunge pools over rhapsodic brass and mellotron ... Sensitive, smart, inventive, cultured, brimming with complex ideas - this is Modern Studies' best album yet".