Musik / solosang


Anmeldelser (6)

Presto classical

d. 1. juni 2021



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. juni 2021

"Editor's choice - May 2021: The eponymous tyrant here is Nero (whom Lindsey's portrayed onstage in several incarnations), and the American mezzo captures every facet of the emperor's frighteningly mercurial personality, particularly in the world premiere recording of Scarlatti's astonishing La Morte di Nerone in which the ghosts of his victims materialise before him. She's scarcely less compelling as the ill-fated women in his life (Agrippina and Poppea) - but the stand-out is the flagrantly erotic duet with Lucano from Monteverdi's L'Incoronazione di Poppea, her breathless exchanges with Andrew Staples barely Safe For Work".

The observer

d. 29. maj 2021



Fiona Maddocks

d. 29. maj 2021

"The UK-based American mezzo-soprano Kate Lindsey's ... latest, Tiranno, with Arcangelo conducted by Jonathan Cohen, examines tyranny and oppression through the figure of the Roman emperor Nero ... The exchange between Nero and Lucan (tenor Andrew Staples) from Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea is a particular highlight. Emperor and poet spin whispered, ever more erotic lines in drooling celebration of love. The players of Arcangelo deftly match their subtle colours".

MusicWeb international

2021 June



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2021 June

"Baroque before: In this anthology of music centred on the figure of the Emperor Nero, the tyrant of the title, the central tracks are devoted to a selection from Monteverdi's Poppea. There's a very wide range of moods on this recording, all splendidly encompassed by Kate Lindsey, with a little help from Nardus Williams and Andrew Staples (one track each) and, more substantially, from Arcangelo and Jonathan Cohen ... The various works are arranged in roughly chronological order of Nero's life ... but the arrangement works much better than might be imagined. If the Monteverdi and the work of the young Handel steal the show, the other pieces are well worth hearing in such fine performances".

BBC music magazine

2021 September



Anthony Pryer

2021 September

"Opera choice: This is perfect ground for Lindsey and Cohen, both extremely accomplished and transformative performers of Baroque music ... Her extraordinary vocal evocations are complemented throughout by the subtle and inflected playing of the Arcangelo group. Handel's study of Nero's mother, Agrippina condotta a morire, offers opportunities for Lindsey's impressive technical control".


2021, nr. 63



Henrik Engelbrecht

2021, nr. 63

"Den amerikanske mezzosopran Kate Lindsey har valgt at fokusere på den romerske kejser Nero på sit tredje album ... med titlen 'Tiranno' - tyran. Og Nero er bestemt heller ikke hverdagstrå og kedelig at beskæftige sig med; en ægte psykopat i topklasse ... Kate Lindsey er en sanger med total kontrol over sin mørke og udtryksfulde mezzo-stemme og hun udnytter alle sine mange virkemidler til en imponerende palet af arier ... og hun forstår i den grad at spille teater ud gennem højttalerne ... Arcangelo akkompagnerer loyalt og lydhørt ... Et gennemtænkt album fra en af tidens mest spændende sangere i det tidlige repertoire".

The gramophone

2021 July



Lindsay Kemp

2021 July

"Editor's choice: A new recital devoted to the psycopathic whims of the Emperor Nero ... Lindsey's performance is a dramatic tour de force, riding the roller coaster through the slings and arrows of anger, Agrippina's helpless love for her own offspring, resignation and defiant scorn ... and she finds powerful characterisations for each aria, showing exceptional expressive agility as the emotional tension ... All this compelling music, so vitally performed by Lindsey ... and all so perfectly accompanied by Arcangelo, is a model of what a recital album can be".