Musik / verdensmusik - world music

Traces of you


Summary: Anoushka Shankar traces a journey of love, change, and loss on an album that draws from Indian ragas, Western classical string arrangements, and modern soundscapes. She also works with her half-sister, Norah Jones, on three songs.

Anmeldelser (3)

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d. 6. jan. 2014



Kjeld Frandsen

d. 6. jan. 2014

"Overordnet er musikken et globalt krydstogt, og i klassisk indisk stil får vi »Monsoon«, en ægte raga, hvor det udviklingsforløb, der ofte kan tage op mod en time, bliver kogt ned til små fire minutter. Og det formår Anoushka Shankar, uden at musikken forekommer komprimeret. Tværtimod. I den ekspressive afdeling finder man den otte minutter lange »Chasing Shadows«, hvor Anoushka Shankar er i stærkt indisk selskab med bl. a. Sanjeev Shankar og Ravichandra Kulur, mestre på henholdsvis rørbladsinstrumentet shehnai og bambusfløjten bansuri. Det er fra ende til anden et rent festfyrværkeri. Og så falder alt på plads i albummets afsluttende værk, hvor Norah Jones har sat sig ved klaveret for at synge den smukke »Unsaid«, skrevet af de to søstre".


2014 February



John Garelick

2014 February

"The album grew on me as it became more "Indian" and Shankar's playing took off. By the eighth track, "In Syoti's Name", with its repeated riffs and rolling percussion, she's flying. "Chasing Shadows", with its rapid call-and-response figures, is delirious, ecstatic. The closing ballad, "Unsaid", with [Norah] Jones' voice and piano in the forefront, completes an ultimately satisfying emotional narrative arc".


2014 May



Ken Hunt

2014 May

"With Nitin Sawhney (...) acting as her right-hand man, Anoushka Shankar's Traces Of You is a thoroughly modern piece of work ... [It's] a substantial work and all the better for being a walk on an emotional tightrope ... One of Anoushka Shankar's finest releases, Traces Of You seems like a work long in the gestation but with a perfectly timed birth".