Musik / folk

Way to blue - the songs of Nick Drake

Anmeldelser (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 16. apr. 2013



Espen Strunk

d. 16. apr. 2013

"På Way to Blue slipper en halv snes fortrinsvis mindre kendte indie-navne mestendels heldigt fra livtaget med det smukke og sårbare materiale. Fortolkningerne er overvejende forholdsvist tro mod forlæggene, og mens Luluc bringer behagelige mindelser om Nico i Things Behind the Sun, leverer også Robyn Hitchcock og Green Gartside gode indslag".


d. 12. apr. 2013



Stephen M. Deusner

d. 12. apr. 2013

"The tracklist includes several generations of artists, from Vashti Bunyan to Luluc, but with precious few exceptions, they turn Drake's songs into mumbly folk-pop-- aggressively decorous and strangely passive. In fact, aside from the atrocious backing vocals on Shane Nicholson's version of "Poor Boy", the performances are perfectly adequate, but who wants adequate when you can easily pull up the originals, which still sound lovely and intense and devastating".