Musik / opera

Zoroastre : 1749

Anmeldelser (8)

The guardian

d. 10. nov. 2022



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 10. nov. 2022

"Rameau's 'tragédie en musique' was first performed at the Paris Opera in 1749, but it is usually heard nowadays in the radical revision that the composer made for a revival there seven years later. Both of the previous CD recordings of Zoroastre ... used that 1756 score, but Alexis Kossenko opts for the original, in which three of the five acts are entirely different from the later version ... Individual characterisations are almost cartoonishly thin. It's the great musical set pieces, especially the occult rites that take up most of the fourth act in a dazzling sequence of choruses and dances, that are the most compelling parts of the score, and provide most of the moments when Kossenko's performance really catches fire. There are outstanding individual performances, too ... Even so, this is mainly a set for French baroque specialists".

MusicWeb international

2022 December



Roy Westbrook

2022 December

"The soloists are a very strong team. The plot is carried along mostly in recitative, but the nuanced segue from recitative flowering into arioso and back again has its challenges - and here they are persuasively met. Reinoud Van Mechelen's title role is well taken, often with heady tone in the upper range ... For Rameau enthusiasts, this well-recorded release will be self-recommending. Alpha make no world premiere claim, but I know of no earlier recording on CD".

BBC music magazine

2022 December



Michael Church

2022 December

"The chorus and line-up of soloists is first-rate, with a suitably menacing Abramane (Tassis Christoyannis) and a witchy Érinice (Véronique Gens) ... The instrumental numbers (notably the sarabands) are beautifully done, with the weather - lashings of thunder and lightning - forcefully dramatised throughout".

Berlingske tidende

d. 5. apr. 2003


d. 5. apr. 2003


d. 28. juli 2003


d. 28. juli 2003

The gramophone

2023 January



Richard Lawrence

2023 January

"It's not hard to see why this first version of 'Zoroastre' was thought unsatisfactory ... But the opera is well worth getting to know. As so often with Rameau, the most appealing numbers are the choruses and the instrumental airs and dances ... With his effortless top notes and superb breath control, the haute-contre Reinoud Van Mechelen makes an ideal Zoroastre ... Another triumph".


2022 decembre



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2022 decembre