Bøger / faglitteratur

Building the nation : N.F.S. Grundtvig and Danish national identity (engelsk)


Indledning, 3-26. [Part One: Theoretical Groundwork] Francis Fukuyama: "Nation Building and State Building", 29-50; Anthony D. Smith: "Icons of Nationalism", 51-78; Michael Böss: "Between Tradition and Modernity. Grundtvig and Cultural Nationalism", 79-91. [Part Two: Enabling Conditions] Hanne Sanders: "Religious Revivalism in Sweden and Denmark", 95-109; Uffe Østergård: "The Nation as Event. The Dissolution of the Oldenburg Monarchy and Grundtvig's Nationalism", 110-33; Jason O. Jensen & John A. Hall: "Why Denmark Did Not Become Switzerland", 134-48. [Part Three: Grundtvig and the People] Tine Damsholt: "'Hand of King and Voice of People'. Grundtvig on Democracy and the Responsibility of the Self", 151-68; Uffe Jonas: "On the Church, the State, and the School. Grundtvig as Enlightenment Philosopher and Social Thinker", 169-91; Ove Korsgaard: "How Grundtvig Became a Nation Builder", 192-209. [Part Four: Comparison] Per Øhrgaard: "Fichte and Grundtvig as Educators of the People", 213-31; Katrine Baunvig: "Come Together. Thoughts and Theories on Social Cohesion in the Work of Nikolai Grundtvig and Émile Durkheim", 232-53; Ole Vind: "'The Gordian Knot'. Grundtvig and British Liberalism", 254-66; Peter Bugge: "Grundtvig and the Slavic Awakening in East Central Europe. (Con)textual Parallels, Mutual Perceptions", 267-83; Troels Nørager: "Crisis of Religion and Nineteenth-Century Spiritual Reform. Varieties of Nation Building in Grundtvig and Emerson", 284-99; Matias Møl Dalsgaard: "Community and Individuality. Grundtvigian and Kierkegaardian Protestantism in Denmark", 300-12. [Part Five: Transmission] Ove Korsgaard: "Grundtvig's Idea of a People's High School and Its Historical Influence", 315-30; Andrew Buckser: "Grundtvigianism as Practice and Experience", 331-45; Henning Eichberg: "The Popular Voicing of Sport. Comparative Aspects of Grundtvigian Movement Cult.
Samme udg. udkommet på DJØF Forlag, Kbh. 2015.

Anmeldelser (5)


d. 19. maj 2015



Mikael Jalving

d. 19. maj 2015


d. 18. apr. 2015



Steen Nepper Larsen

d. 18. apr. 2015

Dansk kirketidende

Årg. 167, nr. 6 (2015)



Kristoffer Garne

Årg. 167, nr. 6 (2015)