Music / kor

Like to the lark

Reviews (5)

MusicWeb international

2019 December



Jim Westhead

2019 December

"The title of this enjoyable disc is taken from Shakespeare's Sonnet No.29 ... Given the excellence of this Swedish choir it is only natural that the CD should include pieces by three Swedish composers ... As one might expect, they make a pleasing listening experience, and are popular in Sweden ... In summary, this is a highly approachable disc and The Lark Ascending more than merits an airing on the radio as a lovely alternative to its usual orchestral presentation ... Naturally enough, the SACD recording ... is superb and the performances exceptional".

BBC music magazine

2020 February



Geoff Brown (musikanmelder)

2020 February

"Listening to Simon Philipps's immaculately accomplished Swedish Chamber Choir is rather like sinking gently into a warm bath bubbling over with your favourite scented lotions ... This album combin[es] refreshing repertoire with refined choral bliss".


2020 mars



Maximilien Hondermarck

2020 mars

The gramophone

2020 February



Jeremy Dibble

2020 February

"This is a highly attractive and innovative programme of a cappella choral music which also makes use of solo instruments. The Swedish Chamber Choir, a beautifully honed sound with a versatile tessitura (and excellent English!), are directed by Simon Phipps, who brings a sympathetic set of interpretations to much of this inwardly melancholy repertoire ... Again, the control, balance and intonation of the choir in this slow-moving harmonice world is admirable and makes one hope that Phipps and the SCC will do more of this rewarding repertoire".


2019, nr. 93



Jörgen Lundmark

2019, nr. 93

"Den här skivan fokuserar på repertoar, som lyfter fram det lyriska och klangligt varma. Musiken är komponerad mellan 1890 och 2010, men tonspråket är utan undantag romantiskt ... Ljudupptagningen ... är tack och lov inte överakustisk (vilket snarare är regel för inspelningar i ett kyrkorum). Däremot saknar jag tydlighed i de djupare registren. Nu dominerar diskanten väl mycket ... Då kommer Svenska kammarkörens a cappella-sång betydligt mer till sin rätt i sånger av Stenhammar, Alfvén och Wikander".