Music / kor

Lutheran masses I

Reviews (6)

DR musik

2015 uge 29



Jens Povlsen

2015 uge 29

"Vurdering: Ugens album" - "Bach skrev sine fire små messer, mens han tjente til dagen og vejen i Leipzig i slutningen af 1730'erne ... Suzuki er en mester i genren ... Solisterne er glimrende ... Få kolleger kommer op på siden af Masaaki Suzuki og Bach Collegium Japan, når det handler om at få hjerte og hjerne til at mødes med teknisk mesterskab i så afsindigt velklingede musikalske himmerigsmundfulde som her".

BBC music magazine

2014 January



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2014 January

"Robin Blaze floats the G minor's Domine Fili and the F major's Quoniam with expressive subtlety, and Crhistopher's customary precision and gracefulness are evident throughout".

Fono Forum

2015 August



Matthias Hengelbrock

2015 August

"Hier hat alles einen organischen Schwung, eine wache und einnehmende, aber nicht aggressive Ausdruckshaltung, hier strahlt die Musik bei aller Vitalität eine unerschütterliche - man könnte auch sagen: glaubensstarke - innere Ruhe aus ... Dieser SACD ist so erfreulich, dass man ungeduldig auf den zweiten Teil wartet".

BBC music magazine

2015 August



Nicholas Anderson

2015 August

"Suzuki and his disciplined singers and instrumentalists bring a pleasingly light touch to the dance-like Kyrie opening chorus of BWV235 ... In short, notwithstanding occasional choral rough edges, there are few disappointments".

The gramophone

2013 December



Richard Wigmore

2013 December

"The freshness, agility and precision of the performances, animated by Christophers's buoyant direction, are a constant pleasure".

The gramophone

2015 September



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2015 September

"Suzuki's solo 'A team' are out in force and generally deliver excellent and communicative quasi-arias ... The choruses are perhaps a touch less well-heeled and defined than usual, in both consistency and balance, but Collegium Musicum Japan compellingly advocate both Masses as well as the festive Kyrie and Sanctus settings".