Music / renæssance -> 1600

Palestrina, volume 6

Reviews (3)

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 15. Sep. 2004


d. 15. Sep. 2004

BBC music magazine

2015 October



Kate Bolton

2015 October

"Vurdering: BBC music choral song choice" - "Christophers artfully moulds and heightens the contours of the polyphonic lines, which ebb and flow in a liquid tapesty of sound ... The Sixteen's rich, buttery sound is particularly effective for the sensual Song of Songs settings, which brim with Counter-Reformation fervour".

The gramophone

2015 September



Fabrice Fitch

2015 September

"This sort of mood suits The Sixteen's brightly focused choral sound, and Harry Christophers's direction is unobtrusive but telling: the terraced approach to the final 'Kyrie' is a case in point, and the flowering into six voices in the concluding 'Agnus Dei' is particularly lovely".