Music / kor


Reviews (18)

DR musik

2009 uge 4



Jens Cornelius

2009 uge 4

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "På Ugens Cd gælder det Faurés original, som klinger vidunderligt varmt og blødt. Ikke mindst i hænderne på den stilsikre franske dirigent Laurence Equilbey og hendes polerede kor Accentus ... Cantique de Jean Racine er om muligt endnu smukkere og mere melodiøst end Requiet".


d. 7. Oct. 2011



Jens Povlsen

d. 7. Oct. 2011

"Der er ingen, der synger ham [Fauré] så overjordisk smukt som tidens store kontratenor, Philippe Jaroussky. Godt hjulpet på vej af de smukke lysindfald, som Paavo Järvi kiler ind i partituret, har "Pie Jesu" fra Faurés hovedværk aldrig været tættere på at nå til himmels. Det er derfor synd, at koret flere gange jokker så heftigt i spinaten, at man krummer tæer".


d. 26. Sep. 2011



Thomas Michelsen

d. 26. Sep. 2011

"Faurés hovedværk, som det står i dag, er hans lyse, lette dødsmesse uden helvedes-flammer ... Så meget desto ærgerligere er det, at en ny fransk indspilning af den fulde orkesterversion, foretaget i Paris med to af tidens bedste mandlige sangere, ikke helt indfrier forventningerne ... Faurés magiske lange linjer disponeres ellers dvælende smukt af den ældste af Järvidynastiets to dirigentsønner, Paavo Järvi, men han har for ringe et kor til sin rådighed ... Selv om det er interessant og anderledes at høre rekviet med en kontratenor i stedet for med en kvindelig sopran, så er det det blide, elysiske orkesterspil, der sammen med Matthias Goernes svagt dækkede, men noble barytonindsatser redder dagen".

BBC music magazine

2011 November



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2011 November

"Eric Picard plays the Elégie stylishly ... Bud, sadly, other features are less alluring".


2014 decembre



François Laurent

2014 decembre

BBC music magazine

2014 November



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2014 November

"Vurdering: BBC music choice - Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "This recording of Fauré's Requiem, quite outstanding in its beauty, balance and sensitivity, also has claims to historical interest. Between the first performance ... in 1888 and that of the full seven in the symphony orchestra score in 1900, the composer made various other versions ... Here, in an edition by Marc Rigaudière [1889] ... the boys of King's College Choir fully live up to their illustrious tradition, and treble Tom Pickard in the Pie Jesu sends shivers down the spine in the approved manner".


2019, nr. 55



Andrew Mellor

2019, nr. 55

"Afdæmpet orkestrering? Ikke ligefrem på denne genudgivelse af Philippe Herreweghes indspilning fra 2001, der anvender den store besætning udgivet i 1901 ... Derudover er opførelsen helt i pagt med komponistens tilbageholdte og elegante stil ... Koret falder fremragende ind og former fraserne klart og med finesse, imens de historiske instrumenter er som et silkeunderlag".

Fono Forum

2013 März



Marcus Stäbler

2013 März

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Wer sich von dieser Aufnahme nich anrühren lässt, is selber shuld".

BBC music magazine

2013 February



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2013 February

"The playing of the London Symphony orchestra Chamber Ensemble and their leader Gordan Nikolitch and the singing of Tenebrae and the two soloists are all exemplary. The problems here are not mostly of execution but, on two fronts, of conception".

Fono Forum

2009 August



Marcus Stäbler

2009 August

"Die schwierigkeit des Stücks liegt eher darin, einen durchgängigen Spannungsbogen und die passenden Klänge zu finden. Das ist Laurence Equilbey und ihrem Chor Accentus bei der neuen Aufnahme - in der kammermusikalisch instrumentierten Originalfassung - über weite Strecken sehr überzeugend und stellenweise geradezu berückend gelungen".

BBC music magazine

2009 February



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2009 February

"The gains of the early version ... are by now familiar - no massed violins (just a violin solo in the "Sanctus"), restrained brass, and an altogether lighter texture ... Sandrine Piau has a tiresome habit of swelling in the middle of notes".

The gramophone

2014 October



Malcolm Riley

2014 October

"This new release, on the choir's own label, marks a major step forwards in our understanding of the work's somewhat garbled genesis".

International record review

2014 November



Andrew Parker

2014 November

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "This new recording of Fauré's Requiem is the premiere of Marc Riguadières reconstruction ... The differences from the definitive version, dating from 1900, are major, making it something of a revelation ... The effect ... is that of a painting restored to its original purity of colour ... Not only is it beautifully sung and played but the recorded sound on the choir's own label is remarkable ... A superb release".


d. 24. July 1999


d. 24. July 1999

High fidelity

1999 5


1999 5


d. 9. Mar. 1999


d. 9. Mar. 1999

The gramophone

2013 January



Marc Rochester

2013 January

"In short, this is a devastatingly beautiful performance".

The gramophone

2009 August



Marc Rochester

2009 August

"Vurdering: Gramophone recommends" - "What is it that makes this such a sublimely beautiful recording of a work which, let's face it, is more than generously represented in the catalogues? ... two things which transform this are the recording's location and Laurence Equilbey's inspired direction ... shapes and caresses every single phrase, every line, every note with the kind of loving care few conductors ever lavish on such a well known and technically undemanding score. The result is a genuinely revelatory reading".

Information and editions