Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 2 : Lobgesang

Reviews (23)

Klassik heute

d. 3. Aug. 2009



Michael B. Weiss

d. 3. Aug. 2009

"Besonders Markus Schäfer, der Sänger der tragenden Tenorpartie, paßt perfekt in dieses höchst affektive Mendelssohn-Bild hinein ... Es sind dann erst die Kulminationspunkte des Werkes, welche die Grenzen von Feys gewichtsreduzierter Darstellung aufzeigen".

MusicWeb international

2017 September



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2017 September

"As elsewhere in the cycle, he brings his huge experience of period performance to breathe fresh air through what you thought you knew about Mendelssohn, and the results are both refreshing and exhilarating ... The chorus are Gardiner's own Monteverdi Choir ... the effect is marvellous because it is clear and direct but not overwhelming ... The soloists are excellent, too ... So this is a great performance on its own terms, but also marks a triumphant climax to Gardiner's LSO Live Mendelssohn series, surely the finest from a single artistic team".

MusicWeb international

2008 April



Michael Cookson

2008 April

"In the Lobgesang I am also fond of the expressive account from the Das Neue Orchester and the Chorus Musicus Köln under Christoph Spering. The conductor, the founder of both ensembles, is an advocate of historic performance practice and employs period instruments".

MusicWeb international

2018 August



Gwyn Parry-Jones

2018 August

"This issue completes his [Andrew Manze] set of the five Mendelssohn symphonies with his orchestra ... The 1840 occasion for which this work was commissioned was the 400th anniversary celebration of the invention of printing by Johannes Gutenberg ... I was interested to compare this new Manze recording with that of Edward Gardner with his CBSO forces ... - and frankly, I couldn't split them! Both have superb orchestral playing and fresh, youthful choral singing ... Manze has the wonderful Robin Tritschler as tenor soloist, and his singing is, as ever, characterised by sincerity of utterance and great beauty of tone ... The best bet is to have both these outstanding versions on your shelves. Certainly Andrew Manze's new recording is a superb one, which does full justice to Mendelssohn's unique work".


d. 28. Apr. 2009



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 28. Apr. 2009

"Orkestret spiller smukt, lyst og direkte under deres chefdirigent. Mendelssohns timelange lovsang, den 2. symfoni, er som vidtforgrenet system af arier, kor og en 20-minutters regulær instrumentalsymfoni som indledning et perfekt match til nordmændene ... Uanset ensidigheden med lykkefuld religiøs sang og musik uden modstykke fra den sammensatte virkelighed fungerer cd'en overraskende fint i al sin enkelhed".


d. 31. Mar. 2014



Jens Povlsen

d. 31. Mar. 2014

"Mendelssohn havde en magisk sans for at blande romantik og klassik, og som en miniature af Beethovens 9. Symfoni lukker Heras-Casado her nyt lys ind til hans oversete lovsang til Herren. Heras-Casado lader ingen træde hinanden over tæerne, men går arm i arm ned gennem elegantierens kirkeskib og når ind, hvor en berusende lovsang stadig gør underværker".

Fono Forum

2014 Dezember



Christoph Vratz

2014 Dezember

"Er predigt nicht ... Das macht Mendelssohns Musik herrlich unmittelbar. Was auch für Solisten und Chor im Schlussteil gilt. Die Zartheit dieser Musik wird hier nich imperial ausgestellt ... Selbst im Schlusschor fehlt glücklicherweise bleiernes Pathos. Das wirkt schlank und eindringlich zugleich. Eine Kunst!".

Financial Times

d. 28. Mar. 2014



Andrew Clark

d. 28. Mar. 2014

"Its quasi-devotional, cross-genre status demands special advocacy, and gets it ... Michael Schade, Christiane Karg and Christina Landshammer are the persuasive soloists, while the chorus radiates belief in its pivotal "armour of light" outburst and subsequent Bach-inspired chorale".


2018, nr. 48



Mikael Garnæs

2018, nr. 48

"Mendelssohns Lobgesang er en lidt spøjs hybrid, hvis første tyve minutter ligner en symfoni og sidste fyrre minutter ligner en kantate ... Det er ikke et stykke, der lykkes per automatik, og der er brug for en god og indforstået ledelse for at hive det i land. Det får vi heldigvis også i denne liveoptagelse med John Eliot Gardiner og hans engelske styrker ... Hans tilgang til Mendelssohn er klar, gennemsigtig og dejlig energisk ... London Symphony Orchestra spiller med pletfri virtuositet, klangfuldt og sensitivt ... Monteverdi Choir ... er tunet helt ind på dirigentens intentioner og synger med forbilledlig tekstudtale ... Solisterne er ligeledes gode, om end ikke sensationelle ... Som helhed er det en særdeles overbevisende tolkning".

Fono Forum

2018 Januar



Clemens Haustein

2018 Januar

"Gardiner erwächst ein besonderes Verständnis für Mendelssohns Klangsprache ... findet einen sicheren Weg, beidem gerecht zu werden und die Teile zu einem logischen Ganzen zu verbinden ... Lucy Crowe singt mit güldenem Sopran, Michael Spyres Tenor hat noble Inbrunst und erzählerische Kraft. Der Monteverdi Choir singt mit federner Kraft, die Musiker des London Symphony Orchestra spielen so sprechend und klug ... Was für ein feiner, vor zarter Kraft vibrierender Live-Mitschnitt!".

Fono Forum

2009 Juni



Andreas Friesenhagen

2009 Juni

"Bernius geht es, zweifellos im Sinne der Originalklang-Bewegung, um schlanken, transparenten Klang, eine aufgelockerte Textur, zügige Tempi und eine klare Artikulation – zum Beispiel in der Einleitung zum Schlusschor mit ihren scharf abgerissenen Streicherakkorden, die man so impulsiv wohl kaum je gehört hat. Weihe und Pathos jedoch werden in die ser Interpretation strikt ausgeklammer ... Chor und Orchester sind tadellos".


2009 avril



Rémy Louis

2009 avril

Fono Forum

2018 Juni



Michael Kube

2018 Juni

"Antonello Manacorda und die Kammerakademie Potsdam machen eine willkommene Ausnahme - und tatsächlich wird hier mit vollster Überzeugung die Lanze für eine Komposition gebrochen, die nicht am Rande stehen sollte ... Durchsichtig, fast kammermusikalisch führt Manacorda sein Orchester und gibt damit dem vorzüglich disponierten Solistenterzett genügend Raum, um ohne Forcierung klar und textverständli zu gestalten".


2018 octobre



Hugues Mousseau

2018 octobre

BBC music magazine

2018 October



Rebecca Franks

2018 October

"Mendelssohn's Symphony-Cantata, the Hymn of Praise, is given a zesty and joyful performance. Manze encourages transparent textures and clean lines".


d. 11. July 1999


d. 11. July 1999

The gramophone

2009 September



John Steane

2009 September

"Generous casting but undue haste in Mendelssohn's great choral symphony".

The gramophone

2014 December



Malcolm Riley

2014 December

"The Swiss orchestra ... relish [the Adagio religioso's] languid music in particular ... The transition from symphony to cantata is achieved with a beautifully judged bridge ... The trio of soloists are all high calibre ... Douglas Boyd draws out all of the poetic potential of this unterrated masterpiece. This new interpretation must be one of the top contenders".

The gramophone

2017 October



Mark Pullinger

2017 October

"Editor's choice: Aided by fine soloists and, above all, Gardiner's excellent Monteverdi Choir, this performance has a vitality that compels attention ... But as soon as we get to the choral section, Gardiner's performance catches alight like no other. The 44-strong Monteverdi Choir launch into 'Die Nacht ist vergangen' with real joy as day arrives ... The final choral fugue is genuinely uplifting, a splendid way to conclude Gardiner's splendid cycle".

BBC music magazine

2017 December



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2017 December

"For me, the three initial orchestral movements are on the dull side, but things perk up to some extent with the vocal entries".

Vurdering : 4/5.

International record review

2011 January



Robert Matthew-Walker

2011 January

"This is a splendid CD of an unfairly neglected and often misunderstood work, and at the attractive price it will be very hard to beat".

The gramophone

2011 March



Richard Wigmore

2011 March

"This new Leipzig performance, finely played and sung, and spaciously recorded, could win over many doubters to Mendelssohn's splendid symphony-cum-cantata. At the Naxos price it's a true bargain".

The gramophone

2018 Awards



David Threasher

2018 Awards

"This may be the triumph of the set for Manze, not least given the size of the undertaking in comparison to the four purely instrumental symphonies. He has a keen appreciation of the architecture of the work, never allowing it to dawdle, especially in the sung second section, where introspection can often turn to ponderousness ... If you've been collecting Manze's Mendelssohn, this is a fine companion to the other two discs and will provide plenty of listening pleasure".