Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonie Nr. 6

Anmeldelser (51)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"This live performance is generally well played ... and naturally recorded ... it must have been one hell of a concert, and Saraste is surely a Mahler conductor to watch".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"In sum, this is a rendition surprisingly easy on the ear, but one that achieves this quality without making too many expressive compromises along the way. It also fits neatly onto a single disc. You should certainly own a performance of this symphony a bit darker and more frightening (Bernstein's or Gielen's will do), but for a legitimate alternative viewpoint you will find it difficult to do better than this".

The guardian

d. 8. nov. 2018



Erica Jeal

d. 8. nov. 2018

"Currentzis is not quite the iconoclast he's sometimes made out to be - it's more that he appears able to shoulder the weight of accumulated performing tradition and then, decisively, shrug it off ... If you can imagine a Mahler 6 in which the urgency and raw edge of Roger Norrington rubs up against the red-blooded glitz of Leonard Bernstein, this is it. Currentzis shapes the music in forensic detail, luxuriating in an orchestra full of wind soloists who never seem to need to breathe ... It's a constantly engaging performance that seems to encompass the whole musical world".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"The LSO acquits itself admirably, particularly given the concert provenence of the performance ... It's good to hear this symphony played with the sort of gruff, raw vigor that suits its heroic cast so well".

MusicWeb international

2024 May



Jim Westhead

2024 May

"I have been most impressed by this performance. I allowed the music to wash over me, buffet me with its mood swings, its relaxations and surges. It is superbly recorded in a generous yet clear acoustic. That lets every facet of the orchestra shine through, enabling a full enjoyment of Mahler's extraordinary imagination and orchestration".

Presto classical

d. 2. nov. 2018



James Longstaffe

d. 2. nov. 2018

"Recording of the week: Even after just the first movement, the emotional journey that Currentzis and his orchestra had presented was so draining that I needed a moment to gather myself before continuing ... I think part of the reason for this is the highlighting of every last rhythmic nuance and finer point of articulation that can often pass by unnoticed ... Just as in so many of Currentzis's previous recordings, he makes you think again about a piece you thought you knew really well, and presents it to you with a fresh approach and an invigoratingly novel angle".

MusicWeb international

2013 October



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2013 October

"A seriously disappointing Sixth; perhaps Nott will redeem himself in the Eighth".

MusicWeb international

2018 November



Michael Cookson

2018 November

"To mark Sir Simon Rattle's tenure as chief conductor of Berliner Philharmoniker this hardcover edition contains recordings of two separate live performances of Mahler's Sixth Symphony. This high-end set also contains several other features. The performance of Rattle's 2018 farewell concert has been recorded on CD 1 and videoed in High Definition (contained on the Blu-ray disc). On CD 2 is Rattle's 1987 debut concert with the orchestra ... [In] Rattle's 2018 account of the Sixth ... Rattle and his players unify so unerringly the elements of musicality, vitality, precision and expression with a sense of total engagement ... From Rattle's 2018 farewell concert the performance of Mahler's Sixth Symphony is one of the finest I know. The 1987 debut concert is much less successful, although it does serve as an interesting document nevertheless".


d. 11. sep. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 11. sep. 2007

"Den er en lille sensation, denne ungarske indspilning af Mahlers store, tragiske 6. symfoni ... Iván Fischer har i sit orkester et instrument i verdensklasse, og deres Mahler sitrer af nervøs og ubønhørlig energi ... Orkesterspil, fortolkningsstandard og akustik er i top, og indspilningen ... kan ikke negligeres. Den er en ny referenceindspilning".


d. 13. apr. 2012



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 13. apr. 2012

"Pappanos idealer om klarhed og detaljeringsgrad kommer helt fint igennem ... Den lille halvanden time i Mahlers helt særlige univers af kirkeklokker, små salmer og iltre strygere - på vej mod hele tiden nye kulminationer ... Hos Pappano og Santa Cecilia er det musik, der er umulig at dele op i meningsfyldte bidder. Alle de mange fraser og jagtende afsnit bindes sammen i heftige op-og nedture".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 3. dec. 2018



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 3. dec. 2018

"Berlinerfilharmonikerne er i topform - og det siger ikke så lidt! - i en ny optagelse med Mahlers sjette symfoni. Den markerer afslutningen på sir Simon Rattles 16 år lange virke som chefdirigent for byens berømte orkester ... Der følger en nærmest overdådigt udstyret bog med i købet ... Man frydes ikke mindst over de stærkt spillende messingblæsere - navnlig i Mahlers grandiose orkesterværker er det et kolossalt plus. Sir Rattle dirigerer stadigvæk med brændende intensitet".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. juli 2008



Jakob Holm

d. 16. juli 2008

BBC music magazine

2011 June



David Nice

2011 June

"This has to be a mountain-peak of achievement for Jukka-Pekka Saraste and the Oslo Philharmonic, surpassing even the orchestra's very fine earlier releases with Mariss Jansons".

BBC music magazine

2024 May



David Nice

2024 May

"There's no doubt that the Munich-based orchestra is among the best in the world today ... But what lifts this up among the very best Sixth Symphony recordings is the finale - this time perfectly paced through its demanding half-hour span of march mania, baleful warnings and brief optimisms".

BBC music magazine

2022 January



David Nice

2022 January

"Orchestral choice: Every aspect of this colossal symphony finds its proper expression in the latest instalment of Ádám Fischer's hugely impressive Dusseldorf Mahler cycle - which is not to say it's in any way a middle-of-the-road performance ... The engineering is superlative ... Very much at the top list along with the same team's Mahler Three".

BBC music magazine

2019 January



David Nice

2019 January

"There are passages here as phenomenal and white-hot as any I've heard in the Sixth Symphony: try the whiplash return to the hurly-burly after the high-pastures idyll at the centre of the first movement, or the build-ups to the first two hammer-blows as well as the welter of their aftermaths ... The real drawback is the glassy patina over the sound".


2019 janvier



Christophe Huss

2019 janvier

Fono Forum

2019 Januar



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2019 Januar

"Currentzis gelingt es in der Tat, das Gefahrenpotenzial dieser Partitur ohne Beschönigung herauszuspielen; das Finale etwa lässt in seiner Brutalität regelrecht erschauern. Allerdings wirkt die Musik gerade in diesem Satz eher wie eine wilde Jagd als wie eine Tragödie ... Fazit: ein Einspielung, an die man sich gewöhnen muss - aber vielleicht war ja genau dies die Absicht des Dirigenten".


2019, nr. 54



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2019, nr. 54

"I dette sit første Mahler-udspil sammen med sit orkester Music-Aeterna ... lykkes det Teodor Currentzis at genfortrylle Mahlers musik. Intet mindre. Currentzis har nemlig en særlig evne til at forstå musikken indefra, og det tilføjer denne Symfoni nr. 6, der er en af Mahlers mørkeste, og som med rette bærer tilnavnet 'Den tragiske', en dybere mening".

BBC music magazine

2006 November



Andrew Farach-Colton

2006 November

"Sonically, there's plenty to admire in this new recording ... In general, the conductor's tempos are well chosen, but at various moments, he lets the line go slack ... More troubling still is Eschenbach's disregard for many of the composer's carefully notated tempo adjustments ... Mahler's early Piano Quartet makes an odd companion here, but in truth is compellingly performed".

BBC music magazine

2012 January



David Nice

2012 January

"The real payoff of live performance comes, as ever, in the final drive towards a victory that implodes. Here, the clarity of Salonen's Philharmonia strings in apocalyptic welters only enhances the excitement of the ride to the abyss. And the fact that the Philharmonia is cambating dry, unenhanced Festival Hall acoustics makes the imposingly warm sound Salonen often creates seem all the more impressive".

BBC music magazine

2008 May



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2008 May

"This is a fine Mahler Six, but it's up against som extremely stiff competition ... Gergiev's version has the advantage over Abbado and Jansons of being short enough to fit on one disc. But that doesn't mean it's unrelentingly hard-driven, even if the phrasing can be a tad severe".

BBC music magazine

2014 January



David Nice

2014 January

"It's a shame for the completion of Johnathan Nott's mostly superb Mahler cycle that a better line-up could'nt have been afforded".


2012, nr. 24



Jens Cornelius

2012, nr. 24

"En veludført Mahler-plade er god at have med i bevisførelsen. Det lykkes flot, og indspilningen er meget levende. Orkestret har ikke noget specielt særpræg, men Antonio Pappano får musikerne til at yde en kraftpræstation".

Financial Times

d. 5. nov. 2011


d. 5. nov. 2011

"Pappano's Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia has an exuberance that comes across most strongly in the opening Allegro energetico ... Pappano, like his Roman musicians, is still building up experience in Mahler. Where he scores is in the quieter, song-like stretches of music, such as the first movement's dream sequence and an Andante of con amore warmth".

Fono Forum

2019 Januar



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2019 Januar

"Bei seinem ersten Konzert mit den Berliner Philharmonikern 1987 setzte Simon Rattle Mahlers Sechste aufs Programm, und zu seinem Abschied als Chefdirigent dieses Orchesters erklang im Juni 2018 wiederum die 'Tragische'. Beide Konzerte sind in der luxuriös aufgemachten Box enthalten; dazu gibt es eine Blu-ray-Disc mit einem Video des Abschiedskonzerts, einer Dokumentation über Sir Simons Zeit in Berlin und einigen Extras mehr ... Der Vergleich zwischen frühem und 'spätem' Rattle ist hochinteressant ... Die frühe Interpretation vermag stärker zu faszinieren. Man spürt einerseits die Anspannung des Dirigenten, anderseits auch seinen jugendlichen Enthusiasmus für die Partitur ... Vor allem im Finale musizieren die Musiker quasi auf der Stuhlkante".


2019 janvier



Christophe Huss

2019 janvier

BBC music magazine

2007 January



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2007 January

"Simon Rattle's first concert with the orchestra, in 1987, consisted og Mahler's Sixth Symphony, a work which can make you feel as if you're lying under a pile-driver: it does here. The central two movements are good, the outer two too relentlessly driven and loud, though the playing is superb".

High fidelity

2002 8


2002 8

The gramophone

2024 April



Edward Seckerson

2024 April

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: The autumn of Simon Rattle's illustious career continues to deliver in abundance. This deeply harrowing Sixth Symphony ... feels lived-in, inhabited, and like the recent Ninth blessed by playing from an orchestra which not only shares his vision but brings it off the page with extraordinary artistry".

The gramophone

2009 July



David Gutman

2009 July

"Thanks in part to Exton's extraordinary sonics, this is a Seventh in which the narrative emerges afresh, softened and, for some perhaps, neutered, the edgier contours of a Bernstein or an Abbado transmuted into a Mitteleuropean glow".

International record review

2009 June



Ian Julier

2009 June

"Disppointingly, this performance's salient achievement is to confirm once again the symphony's Cinderella reputation as the most elusive of the canon to bring off".


d. 31. juli 2003


d. 31. juli 2003

The gramophone

2022 February



Edward Seckerson

2022 February

"There is certainly an urgency in Fischer's first movement ... The central departure to higher climes (with cowbells) is magical ... and here Fischer does allow himself a moment to stand back and breathe the rarefied air ... Listening again to Bernstein and Tennstedt ... it is clear to me why Fischer's rather 'in tempo' approach doesn't quite bring the tragedy home ... It's hard listening to either but it's Bernstein for me".

The gramophone

2018 December



Edward Seckerson

2018 December

"Editor's choice: Anyone who thrilled (as I did) to Teodor Currentzis's Tchaikovsky Pathétique will find distinct parallels here. The impuls, the imperative, of this Mahler Sixth is extraordinary ... Inner parts pull focus as they have rarely done so before surprising even those of us for whom the piece is frighteningly familiar ... The playing of Currentzis's heavily augmented MusicAeterna is pretty hairraising throughout".


2019, nr. 87



Axel Lindhe

2019, nr. 87

"Teodor Currentzis är en av den klassiska musikvärldens hetaste profiler just nu ... Det är utan tvekan en fascinerande resa som Currentzis tar med lyssnaren på i denna den kanske mest uttrycksfulla av Mahlers symfonier. Den inledande marschen spelas magnifikt med rungande, rå kraft - energiskt, hotfullt och rytmiskt. Men att Currentzis och orkestern också kan gestalta en pastoral idyllisk stämning blir tydligt på många andra ställen. Orketerspelet är på en formidabelt hög nivå rakt igenom, med knivskarp precision och ett färgrikt tonmåleri ... Vad man möjligen ibland kan sakna i den här tolkningen är det som jag i brist på bättra ord skulle vilja kalla "mahlerskt tonspråk"".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 8 (2005)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 38, nr. 8 (2005)

The gramophone

2006 November



Jed Distler

2006 November

"The Philadelphia Orchestras first recording of Mahlers Sixth Symphony may well be the Sixth of first choice, sonically and interpretatively".

International record review

2012 September



Mark Pullinger

2012 September

"A very good performance of Mahler's Sixth Symphony on Signum Classics, notable for some exceptionally secure brass playing ... This is a Sixth with great emotional sweep, squeezed onto a single disc which is well worth the modest outlay".

The gramophone

2012 January



David Gutman

2012 January

"In showing how Mahler opens the door to new possibilities, Salonen's approach is consistently hard-edged and unfussy ... Admirers of Leonard Bernstein's celebrated recordings will probably find Salonen too cool ... Orchestra is on fine form".

Klassisk musik

2004, nr. 2


2004, nr. 2

International record review

2008 April



Robert Matthew-Walker

2008 April

"There can be no denying that this is a stunning performance of considerable musical belief in the demonstrable fact that Mahler's Sicth is a great and original masterpiece ... This is strong competitive, and ... I urge you to savour this outstandingly well-played and well-recorded SACD".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 8 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 8 (2008)

"Valery Gergiev er blevet kaldt verdens bedste dirigent ... men som Mahler-dirigent hæver han sig ikke over gennemsnittet. Live-optagelserne ... er glimrende, især er orkesterspillet meget overlegent, men indlevelsen savnes, det hele virker trods alt lidt uvedkommende".

The gramophone

2012 January



David Gutman

2012 January

"Pappano prefers a more emotive style, with variously blended textures and a bigger string sound ... Is comfort-blanket-romantic in its optimism and emotional openness ... Orchestra is on fine form".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)


Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)

The gramophone

2019 February



Peter Quantrill

2019 February

"This is a brave and yet confident, often illuminating, always absorbing set. It tells a story of Rattle's history with the Berlin Philharmonic, from his first-ever concert with them to his last as music director. Accompanying them is an hour-long documentary directed by a master of the genre, Erik Schulz ... It's a struggle of identities, personal and collective, writ large in the opening of Mahler's Sixth ... Both performances (each burning with grim conviction, the first maginally more orchestrally infallible than the second) have received previous consideration in these pages ... Schulz's film deserves more attention".

Berlingske tidende

d. 24. jan. 2002


d. 24. jan. 2002


d. 27. feb. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 27. feb. 2007

"Simon Rattle ... er uhyggeligt intens som ung (1987) i Mahlers tragiske sjette symfoni. Dette er afgjort et højdepunkt i serien, og Mahler-elskere bør købe pladen".

Informationer og udgaver