Music / klassiske symfonier

Under Stalin's shadow

Reviews (20)

Presto classical

d. 19. Jan. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 19. Jan. 2018

"Presto recording of the week: Though [Järvi's] clearly the musical as well as organisational driving-force behind the enterprise the prevailing atmosphere is of chamber-music on a grand scale rather than simply a calling-card from a slick new super-orchestra ... The first appearance of the timpani launches the ferocious Allegro molto like a starting-pistol, and the strings respond in kind with playing that's raw and percussive".

Presto classical

d. 22. Feb. 2019



James Longstaffe

d. 22. Feb. 2019

"Recording of the week: Andris Nelsons's ongoing Boston cycle of Shostakovich symphonies has maintained such high standards that it might seem somewhat predictable that every single volume so far ends up being featured as our Presto Recording of the Week. And yet it's never a foregone conclusion: within about two minutes of listening to any new instalment that comes along, it becomes perfectly clear that yes, we're going to need to write about this one too! ... Nelsons once again demonstrates why this series has been so consistently successful ... It almost goes without saying that the playing from the Boston Symphony Orchestra is of the highest quality ... Wonderful!".

MusicWeb international

2019 March



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2019 March

"Recording of the month: This is the fourth instalment of what I hope is to be a complete cycle of Shostakovich symphonies from Andris Nelsons and the Boston Symphony Orchestra ... I was pretty sure that this newcomer would supersede its predecessor and once I began comparative listening, I was sure ... This is another significant addition to what is fast becoming a notable Shostakovich series ... The present set is superbly played and very well conducted. The performances have been captured in terrific sound".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 12. Aug. 2019



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 12. Aug. 2019

"Bostonsymfonikerne har ikke for ingenting ry for at være et af USA's allerbedste orkestre, deres klang er umådelig velpoleret, og der sidder fremragende musikere i alle sektioner. Når det kommer til Sjostakovitjs 7. symfoni med tilnavnet "Leningrad", bliver det næsten for poleret ... Det bliver Sjostakovitj uden kant, hvor mange smukke passager denne dobbelt-cd end indeholder".

BBC music magazine

2011 December



David Nice

2011 December

"Vurdering: BBC Music orchestral choice" - "In the first movement, at least, Vasily Petrenko and the Liverpudlians reach new heights of articulation and sonic beauty ... Petrenko is determined to emphasise high musical values".

Fono Forum

2018 Mai



Giselher Schubert

2018 Mai

"Paavo Järvi gestaltet das alles geradezu mustergültig aus - gestützt auf eine ungemein musikalisch wirkende Spielkultut des Estonian Festival Orchestra, dessen Perfektion unangestrengt und selbstverständlich wirkt ... Mit diesen Einspielungen zählt das Orchester unbedingt zu den führenden Klangkörpern schlechthin".

BBC music magazine

2018 April



Erik Levi

2018 April

"Paavo Järvi comes much closer than other conductors to encapsulating the lightness of mood and texture which Shostakovich apparently desired in this work [his Sixth Symphony]. Even the most ominour darkly subterranean sounds of the first movement are presented here with an unexpected degree of delicacy ... Much praise must go go the Estonian Festival Orchestra ... If anything, Abram Stasevich's imaginative arrangement of the Eighth Quartet for string orchestra and timpani is even more engaging, especially in such a brilliant and emotionally compelling performance".


2019, nr. 53



Andrew Mellor

2019, nr. 53

"Den lettiske dirigent Andris Nelsons tager i øjeblikket vare på to store symfonicyklusser for Deutsche Grammophon: Bruckner med hans orkester i Leipzig og Sjostakovitj med hans Boston Symfoniorkester. Den med Sjostakovitj går bedst. Nelsons er fremragende til at tydeliggøre de større strukturelle dele i Sjostakovitjs symfonier ved at kontrollere de mindre elementer såsom fart og stoflighed ... Boston Symfoniorkester demonstrerer sin vægtklasse i diverse instrumentale perler".

BBC music magazine

2019 June



David Nice

2019 June

"Recording of the month: Andris Nelsons and the Boston Symphony are an a roll, with a solid gold series that just keep on delivering ... This interpretation of the Leningrad pulls it all off with hyper-sophisticated playing and an alternation of tense atmosphere with electrifying release. Nelsons wins such beautiful phrasing, both collectively and individually ... Magnificent stuff".


2015 septembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2015 septembre

Fono Forum

2014 November



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2014 November

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Was Vladimir Jurowski und sein Orchester hier zum Thema Schostakowitsch zu sagen haben, kann nur phänomenal genannt werden - und das betrifft die Ochesterleitung ebenso wie die Interpretationen!".

BBC music magazine

2014 December



Daniel Jaffé

2014 December

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "This is by far the most stunning Shostakovich disc I have heard this year ... Here, the Sixth's opening is no introverted lament: rather, the LPO's string trills seem to express a rage a still young Shostakovich had much reason to feel ... Altogether it's a gruelling experience, but not one to be missed".

International record review

2011 November



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2011 November

"The orchestra plays magnificently on both symphonies, and Naxos's sound is on a par with that on the previous instalments. All in all, a distinguished addition to a superlative series".

The gramophone

2011 December



David Fanning

2011 December

"Curiously, the introduction to No 12 suffers from the same over-ponderous approach. And it's such a shame, because the rest goes rather well, all the way from the coiled nerviness of "Revolutionary Petrograd" to the radiant "Dawn of Humanity"".

The gramophone

2018 March



David Gutman

2018 March

"This must be one of the finer Sixths of the digital era ... The finale whirls us to its end with articulate ferocity at a tempo almost faster than the players can manage ... Sadly Abram Stasevich's arrangement of the Eighth String Quartet proves more problematic. However compelling the performance, readers ... will have insurmountable problems with the incursions of timpani. The Symphony at least is terrific".


2019, nr. 90



Axel Lindhe

2019, nr. 90

"Nelsons sällar sig inte till lägret som ser omedelbara kopplingar mellan verken och livet under Sovjetregimen. Om det är det som är orsaken till att hans tolkningar av den sjunde och den lite mer okända sjätte symfonin inte riktigt brinner med samma febriga, maniska intensitet som dirigenter som exempelvis Kondrashin och Mravinskij har åstadkommit i den här musiken ska jag låta vara osagt, men Nelsons Sjostakovitj är helt enkelt lite mer städad och kontrollerad ... Men mycket finns att beundra i den här inspelningen, inte minst det makalösa orkesterspelet".


2019 mai



Patrick Szersnovicz

2019 mai

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2019 April



Edward Seckerson

2019 April

"There is always plenty to relish in Nelson's approach ... But I do wonder, the more I hear of this cycle, if the pristine quality that Nelsons and his Boston orchestra bring to these pieces is inclined to render them a little too well-scrubbed ... Much to applaud ... but things that might niggle, too, if you like your Shostakovich on the rare side".

International record review

2014 December



Mark Pullinger

2014 December

"If the unusual coupling appeals, this disc is worth investigating".

The gramophone

2014 November



David Gutman

2014 November

"Strongly recommended, with the proviso that those who invested in Volume 3 of LPO's "75th Anniversary Box Set" will already have the earlier rendition".