Music / solosang


Reviews (10)

The observer

d. 18. June 2017



Nicholas Kenyon

d. 18. June 2017

"What they all have in common is a nobility of utterance, united here by the stunning soprano of Véronique Gens, more often heard in earlier repertoire but bringing piercing clarity to these arias".

Kulturradio RBB

d. 14. July 2017



Matthias Käther

d. 14. July 2017

"Sämtliche Szenen aus diversen Kantaten, Oratorien und Opern sind würdevoll und aufregend gesungen. Alles klingt frisch, auch in der Extase noch äusserst stabil, niemals eng oder angestrengt ... Es ist wirklich eine Freude ihr zuzuhören, zumal sie von Hervé Niquet, einem souveränen Kenner französischer musikalischer Extravaganzen, am Pult begleitet wird".

MusicWeb international

2017 July



Michael Cookson

2017 July

"Singing in her native French language Gens is on her most compelling form with her stylish and expressive voice engaging unerringly with each aria together with her charismatic presence ... With Véronique Gens in quite sensational form this is an eminently desirable album of rarely heard French arias. Fingers crossed for a further volume!".

Presto classical

d. 16. June 2017



Katherine Cooper

d. 16. June 2017

"Presto disc of the week: Immensely attractive music - I can think of no finer advocates than Gens and the Münchner Runfunkorchester under Hervé Niquet, who sound for all the world as if they're playing period instruments thanks to the idiomatic handling of style and sonority on show. There's a very particular something about Gens's basic timbre which I've always found immensely engaging ... and which is eminently suited to the task of bringing these febrile heroines to life".


d. 16. Oct. 2017



Thomas Michelsen

d. 16. Oct. 2017

"Sopranen Véronique Gens' kerneydelse har været 1700-tals toner fra barokken og wienerklassikken ... Men stemmens slanke smidighed slår smukt igennem i 1800-tallets udtryksfokuserede repertoire ... Gens' album [er] et delikat udvalg af vokale franske sjældenheder ... Der er meget at gå på opdagelse i på hendes nye udspil, hvor den franske sopran gør den romantiske musik til sin egenʺ.

Fono Forum

2017 Oktober



Gerhard Persché

2017 Oktober

"CDs des Monats: Visionen und Halluzinationen, Mystik und Fantastik finden sich in diesem Recital zu einem mirakulösen Suchtgift vereint ... Véronique Gens besingt die Ausnahmezustände des Gemüts glaubhaft, wird dabei nie sentimentalisch, liefert grossen Ausdruck ... Dabei verlässt sie sich keineswegs auf Schöngesang, doch erreicht sie Expression durch souveräne Beherrschung der Gesangstechnik ... Hervé Niquet am Pult ... gibt der Sopranistin ... die nötige Folie für diese aufregende Reise in ausserordentliche Emotionen".


2017, nr. 47



Mikael Garnæs

2017, nr. 47

"En samling ukendte arier, superbt sunget, med et gennemtænkt og sammenhængende tema ... Fransk romantisk musik ... Men det afgørende er selvfølgelig, at der synges så godt. Véronique Gens har en meget fransk sopran, der passer som fod i hose til repertoiret. Hendes stemme flyder let og blomstrende oven på orkesterklangen ... Münchens Radiosymfoniorkester og dirigenten Hervé Niquet sætter stemningen fint i forspillene til de forskelllige arier, støtter og bærer solisten på fineste måde".

BBC music magazine

2017 December



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2017 December

"Gens is in fine voice - indeed, she seems to be in her prime. Her diction is as always immaculate and she produces a stream of elegant tone ... and the required vocal heft to ride Massenet's orchestra in the number from La Vierge. But it's at her prayers that she excels; in Février's Gismonda or Bruneau's Geneviève".


2017 juillet-août



François Laurent

2017 juillet-août

The gramophone

2017 July



Tim Ashley

2017 July

"Editor's choice: It's provocative stuff, its emotional - at times emotive - impact immeasurably heightened by very careful programming ... Gens and Niquet throw themselves into all this with an engrossing mix of abandon and restraint. Gens's trademark combination of purity of utterance and smoky tone speaks volumes".