Musik / klassiske symfonier

Beethoven - Tchaikovsky - Schmidt - Stephan

Anmeldelser (4)

Limelight magazine

d. 17. dec. 2020



Clive Paget

d. 17. dec. 2020

"The house label has given the release the usual Rolls Royce treatment offering five CDs, a pair of Pure-Audio and Video Blu-ray discs, and a pair of thought-provoking essays all in a swanky presentation box. Music-making doesn't get much better".

MusicWeb international

2020 December



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2020 December

"Kirill Petrenko was born in Russia - in Omsk, Siberia, to be precise - in 1972 and emigrated with his family to Austria when he was aged 18. I mention those biographical details because they may be relevant in considering his enthusiasm for the Russian and Austro-German repertoire, both of which are evidenced in this collection of recordings ... In 2015 he was elected Chief Conductor of the orchestra, in succession to Sir Simon Rattle ... It would be fair to say that for many people he was something of a surprise choice ... I think it's a very good thing that the orchestra has taken this opportunity to introduce their new Chief Conductor through this boxed set ... There seems to be nothing flashy about Petrenko's conducting; on the contrary, he seems to me to be clear about what he wants and he gets his results through thorough preparation and through very clear direction on the podium ... I rather think they enjoy working with him. Certainly, they play magnificently for him in every performance ... I think that we can safely say that this release is an auspicious appetiser for the Petrenko era at the Berlin Philharmonic".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. nov. 2020



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 16. nov. 2020

"[Her] har man i en smuk boks samlet fem cd'er og to blurays, der har det samme repertoire ... Det er ... Beethoven og Tjajkovskij, der er hovedsagen på denne udgivelse, der er sat i verden for at give musikelskere et indtryk af Berlinerfilharmonikernes nye chefdirigent. Kirill Petrenko hedder han og er født i 1972 i Omsk ... Efter denne luksusboks at dømme har man gjort et kup ved at ansætte ham ... Det er åbenlyst, at Berlinerfilharmonikerne synes vældigt godt om ham, og de spiller traditionen tro som en velsmurt Mercedes-Benz i den allerøverste prisklasse. Den rene nydelse at lægge ører og øjne til".

The gramophone

2021 January



Peter Quantrill

2021 January

"The 2012 concert - only Petrenko's third appearance with the orchestra - also included the Music for Violin and Orchestra; one regrets its exclusion, like that of the Don Juan and Tod und Verklärung which originally accompanied Beethoven's Seventh, but there are enough inspired performances here to satisfy the most demanding listeners".