Musik / soul


Anmeldelser (2)

Bands of tomorrow

d. 5. feb. 2016



Misha Taylor

d. 5. feb. 2016

"New Yorker-duoen LION BABE imponerer med et selvsikkert debutalbum, uden nogle nye overraskende singler, men som ikke desto mindre består af positive og gennemtrængende sange om autonomi, selv-determination, sex og kærlighed ... BEGIN er en fusion af alverdens genkendelige genre. Neo-soul, dance, disco og electro får en tur på samlebåndet i LION BABEs legesyge fabrik og spyttes ud i nye interessante sammensætninger".

The 405

d. 8. feb. 2016



Jeremy Monroe

d. 8. feb. 2016

"It's safe to assume that she isn't shaking the Erykah Badu and Lauren Hill comparisons anytime soon, but there's no denying she possesses a commanding voice, even if it lacks its own unique identity. Hiccups aside, Begin is an otherwise highly enjoyable album, one that sees Lion Babe fearless in their willingness to experiment with various styles in order to see what works and what doesn't, and it's through that process of discovery that they will eventually find their groove and hopefully the hit singles they are striving to create".